It Is What It Isn’t: Fake News Comes of Age as Ideology Trumps Evidence

Uncle Volodya says, “When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?”

Our deeds still travel with us from afar; and what we have been makes us what we are.

George Eliot, Middlemarch

We have arrived, in my opinion, upon the moment in the course of human history which marks the nadir of the journalistic profession. I cannot conceive of a situation in which the occupation could become more debased, more wretched than it has become already, and what we refer to as the ‘mainstream media’ no longer makes any effort to tell the truth, to substantiate what it purports to be true with hard evidence or even any evidence, or to disguise its service in the cut and thrust of political bias and character assassination.

Shaun Walker, The Guardian‘s corpulent correspondent in Russia, and his sidekick Roland Oliphant claimed to have seen with their own eyes a convoy of regular Russian Army vehicles and soldiers crossing the border from  Russia into Ukraine…but neither of them got a photo or a video clip despite their both supposedly being journalists by profession, who understand the maxim, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. But his dinky little cell-phone camera is ever ready to do yeoman service in the pursuit of mocking Russian food on Aeroflot flights, and he has lots of time to arse about on his Facebook group dedicated to what he feels is a Russian obsession with dill. All of his complaining is backed up, it goes nearly without saying, with photographs. Yet he didn’t get a picture of the stealth-invading Russian battalions even though he knew the subject was hotly debated, and proof would have made his name a household word. Well, he is a household word, although it’s not “Shaun Walker”. But you know what I mean.

Or peruse this piece of rubbish. Among yearning for a repeat of the 1917 revolution on its hundredth anniversary and quoting the Moscow Times’ tiresome demand for Russia to  ‘condemn its Soviet past’

It is at this moment that Russia and its president must address the legacy of 1917—the throngs in the streets waving red banners, dragging the emperor from his throne and pumping slugs into him and his kids. “The upcoming centennial of the 1917 revolution that toppled the czar and paved the way for Bolshevik rule promises to put the Kremlin in a tight spot,” predicts the (still-) independent Moscow Times. “At the same time, the Kremlin is unwilling to unequivocally condemn the events the revolution set in motion or its Soviet past.”

and selectively quoting Putin without context or background,

And it is Yeltsin whose deconstruction of the USSR itself is what Olga from the Volga is thankful her red-eyed grandmother did not live to see. (Putin has called it “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.”)

so as to imply yet one more time that Putin seeks to recreate the Soviet Union, the author persists with the simpleminded meme that Putin rigged the American presidential election to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning.

He and his fellow western journalists are aided in this bizarre allegation by the USA’s intelligence agencies, who claim to have evidence that points to Russian interference.  They can’t show anyone, of course – everything the CIA deals with has important national security implications, and if they told the world how Putin hacked American elections, well….well, he might do it again. Or something.

Consider. What actually happened? Information was released which reported that Mrs. Clinton was using a private email server to conduct government business, as Secretary of State for the Obama government, so as to avoid the law which required all official email traffic to be archived as government property.

Was this true? While I can’t speak to her motivation, her unauthorized use of a private server is a matter of public record, as are testimonials from State Department staff members that they mentioned repeatedly the behavior was not permitted, to which Mrs. Clinton allegedly replied that she had permission. If she said that, it was a lie.

Then information was released which said the Democratic Party establishment was conspiring to rig the Democratic nomination for Mrs. Clinton by manipulating the process against Bernie Sanders, who enjoyed a significant following and who was assessed by polling results to have the best chance of beating Trump. Was that true? Sure was; the DNC chair, Debbie Wassserman-Shultz, resigned in disgrace – Mrs Clinton promptly promoted her to honorary chair of her presidential campaign, and President Obama rushed out a supportive statement as well, demonstrating that political heavyweights don’t really care if you rig elections as long as you’re not Russian.

So what sabotaged the win Hillary Clinton thought she had in the bag was the release of damaging information about her which was true and accurate. It was not a pack of lies, and the suggestion that the truth about such activities should have been kept from voters until after they had cast their ballots would be monstrous. There was absolutely no proof that Russia was responsible for releasing that information, if they even knew it, and they were pretty far down the chain of people in a position to know.

What are the rigging methods in Russian elections of which the Kremlin is always accused by the morally-superior beacon of democracy? Ballot-stuffing. Carousel voting, a term US State Department spokeshole Jen Psaki was quite comfortable using in the most accusatory fashion, although she had to admit when questioned that she had no idea what it meant. Suppression of opposition candidates and advertising time which disproportionately favours the ruling party. If Vladimir Putin can actually tip elections in foreign countries with such confounding precision without access to any of those tools, why would he rely on such quaint and archaic blunt-instrument methods to rig elections in Russia?

Fake news stories in the western media abound, although the west rarely if ever acknowledges them; when FOX News, mouthpiece of the Washington regime-changers, broadcast a story ostensibly about protests in Russia, but featuring footage of rioting in Athens, The Daily Telegraph set a new standard for crawling by positing that the channel had just made an innocent mistake, like Athens is a lot like Moscow and people make that mistake all the time. It then proceeded to excoriate the paranoid Russians for imagining that it was done with intent.  Al Jazeera broadcast a fake report of the fall of Tripoli in the west’s successful regime-change war against Gaddafi; the supposed capture of the city by ‘opposition forces’ was actually put together in a studio in Doha, Qatar. I’ve lost track of the number of accounts of Putin’s fabulous stolen wealth which he has squirreled away in secret bank accounts somewhere which nobody can find or prove to exist, yet his status as one of the world’s wealthiest men remains part of the argot of common wisdom.

Well, I spent a lot longer on that than I meant to do; but, damn it, that ‘Putin stole our election’ nonsense just turns my teeth sideways. How could he have done that? Voting machines are not connected to the internet, and there is no realistic suggestion that Russia actually manipulated the vote count. Somebody released true information regarding unlawful and undemocratic behavior by Mrs. Clinton, but not a shred of evidence supporting Russian involvement has been produced, although the CIA maintains that it knows.

Anyway, I wanted to take you through what is described as a step-by-step analysis of a fake news story, an example of Russian trickery, or manipulation by Putin’s international minions. The author is eminently well-qualified to discuss fake news, or at least as well-qualified as one can become in the short interval since caution was thrown to the winds, and fakery in the news went from a hobby to mainstream default mode; he worked for more than three years in Pheme, a multinational online project funded by the European Commission to define, evaluate and model fake news.

Let’s take a look. The story used as an example is a clip about Russian soldiers using the Uran 6 robotic mine-clearance vehicle to demine sites in Aleppo following the victory of Syrian government forces’ retaking of the city. I want you to note at the outset that the author claims the story is completely false.

This post shows a story originating in the Middle East, about Russian soldiers clearing up bombs left in Syria by Obama’s troops. The story was related using first-hand video and personal accounts, and was picked up by major outlets. However, the truth was that this story was completely false — fabricated and framed in such a way that it looked like real news. We’ll pull on threads behind this fake news, and find just one small part of what may well be a large, international network that is feeding our Western media.

Please note also the odd choice of words; “…bombs left in Syria by Obama’s troops”. We’ll see if anyone actually claims that.

Mr. Derczynski acknowledges at the starting line that there is nothing untoward with the original clip – it probably does show Russian soldiers in the performance of their duties in Syria, and the vehicle featured probably is the Uran 6.

Then the token jackass Ukrainian enters the fray, announcing that the item is a fake and the vehicle is actually of Croatian origin. He is quickly shot down by Marcel Sardo. I think most of us know Marcel’s work, and I have found him usually pretty accurate; always, where military hardware is concerned, and he seems to be a bit of an aficionado. The author points out that while there is no reason at this point to believe anything is other than what it seems, in fact this is a common tactic, and the good-cop-bad-cop are often on the same side or are even the same person.

Then the story is picked up by RT, a source Mr. Derczynski tells us many of the Russians he talks with don’t really trust. I think you can probably imagine the Russian circles he moves in. He tells us RT claims the Uran 6 is the same robot the Russian military used to help clear Palmyra of explosives left behind by Islamic State (IS). Still possible this is a real story, he says, although he seems to believe RT is setting the stage for something.

As an aside, Islamic State did in fact take Palmyra, and remained in control of it for long enough to do tremendous damage – some of which appeared to have been wrought just for the sheer deviltry of it and for the grief it would cause, rather than the achievement of a strategic objective. It is difficult to imagine, I think, that the inhabitants of Palmyra left explosive booby-traps for the soldiers who drove out Islamic State – since their rule was unpopular – so it does not seem too much of a stretch that the explosives and mines left behind (a matter of public record) were left by Islamic State. There is apparently nothing thus far to suggest the story is ‘fake news’, although the author is suspicious about the direction it is heading.

And then, BAM! The fake hits us like a runaway locomotive.

Sarah Abdallah joins in on Twitter, attributing the explosives left behind to ‘Obama’s moderate rebels’. Oh no, you don’t, Sarah, you delicious-looking young female trading on your looks and flirting with the camera. This has now just become fake-news propaganda, framing the story so that it reflects badly on the Greatest Democracy That Ever Lived.

Let’s take another pause to reflect. I have no idea if Sarah Abdallah is the real thing, or a Putin shill – I’m not familiar with her and have not seen her before this. But how realistic is her attribution to ‘Obama’s moderate rebels’ of the explosives left behind in Aleppo? Well, the Obama government was fairly well known to be arming the Syrian rebels both overtly (which it admitted) and covertly (which it did not). The U.S. government also admitted, at various points in the conflict, that it had less and less of an idea who was who and who was al Qaeda as things went along. Oftentimes the side the USA supported was blanket-referred to as ‘moderate rebels’ for the sake of optics, but it is well-established that the USA provided not only arms, but satellite radios which would allow rebel commanders to call in air strikes by US military aircraft. The USA wriggled and squirmed and called for endless ceasefires in Aleppo whenever the Syria government forces appeared about to exploit a vulnerability. It seems pretty clear that Washington supported anyone it thought might get the job of ousting Assad done. It is therefore quite conceivable that explosives left behind in Aleppo with the intent of killing or injuring incoming enemy forces were left behind by ‘moderate rebels’ . It is also quite conceivable that some, perhaps many of these ‘rebels’ were supported by the U.S. government.

Other sources go on to say that departing extremist rebels placed explosives even in children’s toys. I have no idea if that is accurate, but considered in the frame of the deliberate murder of many children from the buses leaving Aleppo, lured out with the promise of snacks and then blown up by a suicide bomber, I would have to say it does not seem that far-fetched.

In summary, I see little in this story to support the author’s contention that it is ‘fake news’, and it was not conclusively labeled as such until sources began to attribute the explosives left behind in Aleppo to rebels trained, armed and supported by the USA and its allies. Russian soldiers were acknowledged to be demining the streets and districts of Aleppo, which they need not do if there were no bombs. If we stipulate there were bombs, who left them? The residents of Aleppo? Putin? It seems pretty clear who left them. So the remaining issue is whether they were supported in their endeavors by the USA. And I think the answer must be yes.

I’m sure Russia’s military does public relations, the same as the United States military does public relations – US military forces on deployment regularly turn up cleaning a local monument or painting classrooms in a school, and are duly photographed for a feelgood story back home which creates the impression they are welcomed and fitting in wherever they are, which is not always the case. You can call it propaganda if you like, but not only when Russia does it. I have said for a long time that Russia needs to get serious about image management, and it looks like they are taking it to heart. Refusing to adopt the tools of modern influence-leveraging because they are demeaning and you believe your performance should not need amplification is a little like announcing your national army will continue to use the longbow 100 years after the invention of the musket.

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1,330 Responses to It Is What It Isn’t: Fake News Comes of Age as Ideology Trumps Evidence

  1. Warren says:

  2. Warren says:

    Published on 25 May 2017
    UK police are investigating a network linked to the Manchester suicide bomber – who killed 22 and injured dozens more at a concert on Monday. Eight people have been arrested in connection with the attack. Photos have been circulating showing the attacker – 22yo Salman Abedi.
    RT’s Polly Boiko visited the Manchester neighborhood where he lived.

    • robert clayton says:

      The problem is that we have a US President on a state visit to Saudi Arabia, which is the ideological founder of Al Qaeda and its off shoot IS completing a 100 billion dollar weapons deal.

      Saudi Arabia has given religious, political and military backing to these terrorists.

      Trump uses the visit to attack Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. This is dutifully reported by mainstream media.

      It is not the Iranians or their Shia allies in the Middle East who are flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing up trains and buses in Europe or massacring children and adults at music concerts. The people behind this are being groomed and indoctrinated by Salafist/ Whabbism. This medieval sect originates from Saudi Arabia and they have internationally promoted this sectarian creed through the funding of mosques across the world.

      There is also the Libyan link to the current atrocity which let us not forget is a failed state due to US/UK/EU intervention against Gaddafi and we now have a country where Salafist jihadists are running wild.

      9/11 was carried out by Saudi Salafist terrorists but instead led to the bombing and an invasion of secular Iraq.

      I am increasingly concerned that American and British politicians will use the current situation and many of its citizens ignorance of Islam and Muslims ‘looking all the same’ to attack and bomb Iran.

      Once again the Saudis get off scot free but hey there is oil and weapons to sell.

      • marknesop says:

        Hey, Robert!! Great to see you; it’s been a long, long time. A pity that your return is on such a dangerous subject, but of course you are right and there is every chance the west will try to set the stage for an attack on Iran.

  3. Northern Star says:

    Earlier on some of you were discussing aircraft made with a significant amount of wood in their composition.

    Here is one of the most interesting in that class:

    • marknesop says:

      That’s very interesting, I didn’t know that. I’m afraid, though, that I broke into juvenile guffaws when I read that it was designed to be manufactured using ‘semi-killed labor’.

  4. Northern Star says:

    As I heard this on the BBC this morning..the Brits are absolutely enraged that the American Intelligence community has been systematically leaking extremely sensitive and volatile info about the Manchester bombing to American MSM!!!!!

    “On Wednesday morning, British Home Secretary Amber Rudd issued a stern rebuke to the US government for leaking the name of the suspect in the Manchester bombing to American news outlets before UK authorities were prepared to make it public.
    She might as well have been shaking her fist at a cloud, for all the good it did.
    By Wednesday evening, not only had the US media divulged more details of the investigation – information on Salman Abedi’s family and his international travels – the New York Times printed close-up photographs of fragments of the Manchester bomb and the apparent tattered remains of the backpack that held it.
    British officials have gone from irritated to furious, and Manchester police have begun withholding further details of the attack from US intelligence out of concern that the leaks are tipping off suspects and impeding its investigation.”

    Soooooooo…the CIA (or perhaps some other part of USA Intelligence community) et al. are-according to the Brits- doing EXACTLY what the FBI et al. claim Trump did!!


    • Jen says:

      UK police authorities would have been sharing information about the Manchester pop concert attack with the FBI as the FBI’s functions overlap with those of the police. Someone or a number of people in the FBI had to have leaked this information to the US media.

      Alexander Mercouris has an article at The Duran on the culture of leaking information in the US intel community and how this damages US relations with its allies, using two examples including the leaking of information about Salman Ramadan Abedi, and their ability to share confidential information. This is one reason why Donald Trump sacked James Comey as FBI Director: at the same time that Comey was pursuing his Russiagate investigation, he was neglecting (deliberately perhaps) to investigate leaks of information about other issues (including Trump’s meeting with Sergei Lavrov) within the FBI.

    • marknesop says:

      Ha, ha!! I’m laughing along with you, at the notion that British Intelligence is ‘withholding further details of the attack from US Intelligence’. British Intelligence is so thoroughly penetrated by the Americans and Britain – as a strategic ally – is so thoroughly snooped on by the CIA that it is hardly possible for Britain to withhold anything information-wise from Washington if it decides it wants to know.

      • Jen says:

        Plus the more the British try to withhold information about Salman Ramadan Abedi and his and his family’s connection to a group of anti-Ghaddafi Libyan fighters given safe haven in Manchester and cultivated by MI5 to the extent that the spooks promised the rebels freebies like free social security and free passage between Britain and the Middle East, all under Theresa May’s watch when she was Home Secretary (so it’s possible she agreed to this dangerous hare-brained scheme and signed off on it), the more US intel agencies are tempted to pry even more information about Abedi and others with clandestine means from the British.

        It might be poetic justice of a sort that, due to FBI or other US intel indiscretion resulting from James Comey’s incompetent leadership and Hillary Clinton’s own sloppiness among other things, the Manchester bomb attack, far from improving the Tories’ chances of winning the June general election – they were on the ropes just before the attack over May’s switch-about on the issue of pensioners having to pay down to their last hundred thousand pounds for aged care and what this said about her ability to manage a hard Brexit – will actual hasten the Conservatives and May herself to an electoral early grave.

  5. Warren says:

    Published on 23 May 2017
    Economist Michael Hudson explains that even though housing prices are back up at 2008 levels homeownership is at a much lower level and banks have their loans guaranteed by the US government

  6. Northern Star says:
    Uh oh…Melania better look out tonight…..he’ll be wanting someone to beat on after his tweet storm about the so-called 4th Circuit Appeals Court!!!

  7. Moscow Exile says:

    Trump opens his big stupid gob again!

    Die Deutschen sind böse, sehr böse.

    Reported by the German media (as in “Der Spiegel” above) as regards what Trump allegedly said in Brussels at a meeting with top European Union leadership, where President allegedly made this comment about its trade surplus.

    “The Germans are bad, very bad”, Trump allegedly told EU Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council president Donald Tusk, report most of the Western media.

    Trouble is, when folk machine translate böse, they often get “evil”. The word in context can also even be translated as “naughty”, “angry”, “vicious” etc.

    He probably said “bad”, I should imagine: he likes saying “bad”, it seems.

    Whatever. It is certainly not diplomatic to speak in such a manner as head of state about another nation, which just shows what a big-gobbed gobshite Trump really is.

    • Moscow Exile says:

      Mueller’s Tweet (above) reads:

      “The Germans are bad, very bad” – this is how Trump ranted in Brussels over the German trade-balance surplus.

      Below the photograph, the Tweet links to Spiegel and gives part of the first line of the Spiegel article on Trump’s alleged comment about the German trade surplus:

      Trump in Brussels: “The Germans are bad, very bad” – SPIEGEL
      At a meeting with EU leaders Trump has made a massive criticism of Germany. SPIEGEL has learnt from the circle of participants the [exact wording…]

      Or evil?

      Vee haff vays off making you buy our autos!


    • Jen says:

      The Pope is definitely not a supporter of same-sex marriage!

      • Moscow Exile says:

        I wonder if he can do the tango?

        When I was a schoolkid, that’s what was defined in the Roman Catholic catechism that nuns used to indoctrinate us with as “lewd and lascivious dancing”.

        Shouldn’t be allowed!

        I suppose that’s why they taught us at infants’ school how to dance “The Gay Gordons”.

        • Cortes says:

          I seem to recall being told that the tango originally was danced in frontier towns with a distinct shortage of women…

          • Moscow Exile says:

            Many imported from Poland, courtesy of the “Warsaw Mutual Aid Society”:

            See: Zwi Migdal

            • Cortes says:

              Fascinating. Thanks for that.

              I did the tour of the big Synagogue in Buenos Aires about 10 years ago and the guide was excellent. Lots of information about the Jewish Colonies but nothing about this though on reflection it’d be unreasonable to expect it.

      • Lyttenburgh says:

        Da gangsta Pope gets ready to hand Trump his ass in epic rap-battle:


    • Lyttenburgh says:

      ^Photo taken a day after Manchester attack.


      You know this stereotype of “constantly smiling Americans”? How it’s very annoying and they look like idiots?


      That’s not a stereotype.

      • Cortes says:

        It really does look odd when the person being photographed can’t comprehend that on some occasions a solemn expression is required. Both Trumpettes get it. But not the Donald.

        • Moscow Exile says:

          Mrs. Trump is a Catholic, that’s why. At least, she was probably raised as a Catholic in Slovenia. She will , therefore not grin like an inane Cheshire Cat when in the presence of the Holy Father. Swooning is allowed, though.

          Her daughter is smart enough to understand the correct etiquette because she must take after her mother and not after her father.

          • Moscow Exile says:

            That’s the way to do it! In widow’s weeds an’ all, though she wasn’t a widow then and still isn’t, though her spouse, Phillip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, now fevvers a corpse.

            Philip in his full Admiral of the Fleet rig as well!

            Didn’t he do well! When he left the service and married her, he was only a lieutenant.

          • Jen says:

            Ivanka’s mum was Donald Trump’s first wife Ivana, the mother also of Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump. She is Czech (maiden name: Zelníčková).

            The current Mrs Trump is Donald Trump’s third wife. Wife No 2 was Marla Maples who gave Trump one child, Tiffany.

            • Moscow Exile says:

              I did not know he has had three wives, the previous two presumably being as attractive as the present one.

              I wonder what women find so attractive in the boorish multimillionaire Trump?

              His charisma, perhaps?

              • marknesop says:

                Even men who are not otherwise attractive can finagle their way into a woman’s good graces if they are warm, self-deprecating and humble, funny and attentive to their wishes, both expressed and intuited. I think we agree that almost perfectly describes The Donald. Mystery solved.

              • Cortes says:

                Your first question provides a clue, ME.

                As the late, great Caroline Aherne, in her alter ego role as “Mrs Merton” put it to her guest, Debbie McGee, wife of the tiny, ugly, wizened TV magician and “Thatcherite entrepreneur”: “So, Debbie, what first attracted you to multimillionaire Paul Daniels?”

                • Moscow Exile says:

                  I am afraid I did not give credit where credit was due when I posed the above question about what attracts women to multimillionaire Trump, for I had the delightful and now sadly missed Caroline Aherne in mind when I wrote it.

                  She was great, was Caroline!

        • marknesop says:

          Probably because his ego does not allow him to feel any real emotions except for if and when they match his personal mood. If he is feeling ‘up’, it doesn’t matter what the circumstances are in the rest of the world. Should anyone think that is confined to Trump, recall Dubya Bush’s comic send-up of a convicted death-row inmate in which he mimicked her entreaties, “Oh, please don’t kill me” in a high falsetto.

      • KPomeroy says:

        We smile because we keep a positive attitude.

        • marknesop says:

          I’m sure the attendees of a funeral in the USA have no end of positive attitude as well, but they know that there are occasions at which a broad smile for the camera is inappropriate. Lyttenburgh went a little overboard suggesting Americans’ reflexive smiling makes them look like idiots; I’ve always been fond of outward expressions of friendliness myself, and am proud that Canadians typically display them. Similarly, I always feel at home in the USA because of American friendliness. It’s also true that some cultures see a broad smile from people you don’t know as suspicious behavior. But it is inescapable that Trump seems to have no feel at all for propriety or etiquette.

          Bravo to Trump if he can keep a positive attitude in the face of constant attack. But he should be focused on building international support for American aspirations. And he’s certainly not doing that by grinning like a fool at such a solemn occasion.

  8. Moscow Exile says:

    This foul bastard is evil, though:

    Mr. Evil?

    Not to be confused with Dr. Evil:

  9. Moscow Exile says:

    And this is evil, undoubtedly so [warning]:

    Как «просвещённая» Европа пробовала привить «отсталым русским» свои ценности. 18+

    When “enlightened” Europe tried to instill its values into “retarded Russians”.

    Viele Grüße aus Russland!

    • Moscow Exile says:

      Historical revisionists often now make out that many of the disturbing images such as those linked above are NKVD propaganda photographs — “Photoshop” 1940s style, as it were, or “fake news”.

      The Germans that participated in Operation Barbarossa were nice — really nice! The Yukies loved them!

      And the Eyeties were really nice too — and the Romanians and the Hungarians!

      A few bad apples, mind you, but most were really, really nice!

  10. Warren says:

    Published on 25 May 2017
    Hundreds of people from all across former Yugoslavia, commemorated the birthday of former President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito, also known as ‘Day of Youth’, by laying flowers at his final resting place in Belgrade on Thursday.

  11. Moscow Exile says:

    Pig ignorant, boorish and conceited behaviour displayed by the exceptional nation’s head of state.

    Was he totally incapable of quietly saying: “Excuse me, may I get past?”

    Trump exhibited what is called хамство in Russian.

  12. Warren says:

    Published on 25 May 2017
    Russia is a very different country. In the last few years, its economy has gone through very difficult times, and the standards of living have declined quite markedly. However, and unlike what you might expect, the popularity of its president, Vladimir Putin, not only hasn’t fallen, but today it is at one of its higher levels ever.

    In this video we will tell you how, against all odds, Putin has managed to maintain his popularity. We’ll also look at what to expect from his leadership in the next years, and we’ll look at the question of whether Russia wants to recover the roles it had as the Soviet Union. Don’t miss this video!

    And don’t forget to visit our friend’s podcast, Reconsider Media:

    • Moscow Exile says:

      “In the last few years, its economy has gone through very difficult times, and the standards of living have declined quite markedly.”

      They have not declined quite markedly!

      Who is that wanker who is yapping away in the above video?

      What does he know about Russia that he has not been told?

      Does he fucking well actually live and work in Russia?

      And the country is called “Russia”, not “Washah”, you twat!

      [The Russian economy] is crawling into 2017 after being beaten up for two years. But it looks like the Russian economy will be back on its feet, and is in better shape at the start of 2017 than it was at the start of 2016 when oil was falling below $40 a barrel.Forbes, December 26, 2016

      After having been “beaten up” for two years…

      Beaten up by whom, may I ask

      By corrupt, incompetent Russian ministers and economists?

      No! By the West, that’s who: by enemy action!

      So tell me, shithole, why are Western economies in such dire straits? Who has been sanctioning them?

      So the Russian economy is in tatters, as another posing twat once said, you yapping dog, arse-hole sniffing, lick-spittle, spew-lapper?

      • Moscow Exile says:

        Hey, cnut! How about giving a talk about the economy of “Ukraine”, Europe’s poorest state with Europe’s richest head of state and why, despite this, the EU and the USA supports both the train wreck that is the Ukraine and the far right that calls the shots there?

        • et Al says:

          It was difficult to pay any attention to what he was saying because he was bouncing about like a child with ADHD or a sugar rush or maybe off his head on something else.

          I’m Simon Whistler. I’m a British guy living in Prague (Czech Republic). I make YouTube videos for a living. This is my life. ‘ according to his channel and has loads of his ‘musings’ on just about everything there. Quantity over quality and of course the Czech Republic is one of the most openly russophobic countries in central Europe and is one of their centers for pumping out anti-Russian ‘facts’. He simply doesn’t mention that Putin put the oilgarchs firmly under his thumb, otherwise they would have stolen it all and is simply wrong when he says that he ‘carried out no reforms in Russia’.

          It’s simply a tabloid, surface skimming video trying to be a jack of all trades and clearly a master of none. It shows as there is far too much in it to have any commentary. Describing it as ‘shallow’ would be too much of a compliment.

          Now I wonder why exactly the video was produced and for whom, after all he makes his living from making YouTube videos and has bills to pay. The whole video smacks of a very simplified totally western view for idiots, so it is fairly likely he is part of the ‘fight against Russian propaganda’ and he is taking money from The Man. It seems to be aimed at adolescents and young adults who hence all the jumping about. I could imagine it being widely distributed as a cheat sheet on Russia. More like a quick shit on Russia!

          • et Al says:

            Speaking of fearmongering, Russophobia and the West’s continued propaganda efforts against Russia, Andrew Rettman of EU Observer has been doing overtime the last few months with several ‘investigations’ in to Russian operations. Here’s the latest.

            EU Observer: Fight club: Russian spies seek EU recruits

            Russian intelligence services are using martial arts clubs to recruit potential troublemakers in Germany and other EU countries, security experts have warned.

            The number of clubs is higher than previously reported and the “sleeper cells” could stage violent provocations ahead of the upcoming German elections, they said.

            The warnings come amid concerns by enemies of the Russian state who live in the EU that they could be harmed for their work.

            The martial arts clubs, which teach an offensive style called “systema”, all have “direct or indirect” links to the GRU military intelligence or FSB domestic intelligence services in Russia, according to Dmitrij Chmelnizki, a scholar of Russian espionage who lives in Berlin. …

            Read on if you can bear it, but it totally smacks of “Look at all this smoke, it can’t possibly occur without there being a fire!”

            Khodokovsky & our favorite sell out Galeotti also make an appearance along with a who’s who of ‘Russia evil’.

            Dmitrij Chmelnizki himself is an interesting chap and according to the Slovak Spectator:

            …Chmelnizki, a 63-year old academic, fled from Russia to what was then West Germany in 1987 after being put on trial for doing research on the KGB, the former name of the FSB, EU Observer wrote.

            He conducted his investigation of the systema clubs using open sources on the internet and working in collaboration with Viktor Suvorov, a former GRU officer who was posted in Geneva, Switzerland, during the Cold War before moving to the UK.

            • Moscow Exile says:

              The KGB is not the former name of the FSB, as the EU Observer wrote.

              The immediate predecessor of the FSB was the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK) of Russia, itself a [partial] successor to the KGB: on 12 April 1995, Russian president Boris Yeltsin signed a law mandating a reorganization of the FSK, which resulted in the creation of the FSB.

              In 2003, the FSB’s responsibilities were widened by incorporating the previously independent Border Guard Service and a major part of the abolished Federal Agency of Government Communication and Information (FAPSI).

              The two major structural components of the former KGB that remain administratively independent of the FSB are the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and the State Guards (FSO).Wiki

        • Moscow Exile says:

          And while you are doing some research into Yukistan, you cupid stunt, check these data out:

          Finland GDP Growth Rate Forecast 2016-2020
          GDP Growth Rate in Finland is expected to be 0.30 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate GDP Growth Rate in Finland to stand at 0.40 in 12 months time. In the long-term, the Finland GDP Growth Rate is projected to trend around 0.60 percent in 2020, according to our econometric models.
          [note: no economic sanctions against Finland]

          GDP Growth Rate in Estonia is expected to be 0.60 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate GDP Growth Rate in Estonia to stand at 0.50 in 12 months time. In the long-term, the Estonia GDP Growth Rate is projected to trend around 0.80 percent in 2020, according to our econometric models.
          [note: no economic sanctions against Estonia]

          GDP Growth Rate in Latvia is expected to be 0.60 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate GDP Growth Rate in Latvia to stand at 0.70 in 12 months time. In the long-term, the Latvia GDP Growth Rate is projected to trend around 0.50 percent in 2020, according to our econometric models.
          [note: no economic sanctions against Latvia]

          GDP Growth Rate in Lithuania is expected to be 0.70 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate GDP Growth Rate in Lithuania to stand at 0.60 in 12 months time. In the long-term, the Lithuania GDP Growth Rate is projected to trend around 0.50 percent in 2020, according to our econometric models.
          [note: no economic sanctions against Lithuania]

          Projected growth rate Russiais expected to be 0.10 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate GDP Growth Rate in Russia to stand at 0.40 in 12 months time. In the long-term, the Russia GDP Growth Rate is projected to trend around 0.90 percent in 2020, according to our econometric models.

          [economic sanctions continue to be imposed against Russia and no sign of them being lifted in the near future]

        • marknesop says:

          I’d like to know just how much money is being pumped into Ukraine every year by the west in an attempt to stabilize it, because I would bet it exceeds what is publicly acknowledged and that extra money off the books is making its way in as support. And still it gives an excellent performance as a sinking ship as its GDP growth once more turns negative (please note the all-time best record was achieved under Yanukovych while the opposite extreme was plumbed by the Maidan kangaroo government), and the graph of its balance of trade looks like a tour of a stalactite cave. The labour force participation rate is sucking mud at about the same level it was in 2006, after reaching a high – under, you guessed it, the despised Yanukovych – in the third quarter of 2013. Take a look at the chart for per-capita GDP adjusted for purchasing power parity, and just for fun, max that sucker out to its greatest value for timeline. You will quickly see that Ukraine’s GDP/PPP hit a high at the point it decided to try its luck outside the Soviet Union – a moment that doubtless had the nationalists turgid with excitement such as they never felt again until Maidan – and fell off hard immediately thereafter. It never reached UkrSSR levels again, and reached its best post-independence performance around the time of the global financial crash. It’s now at about the same level it was in the depression which followed that event.

          • Moscow Exile says:

            Yes, there has been a decline in living standards according to available data — but have the living standards declined “quite markedly”, as the bobbing head said in the above video?

            I think not, say I, who has lived here since the very beginning of the Golden Yeltsin Years and right through the ’90s and, since then, throughout the president tyrannical rule of the Evil One, with a short hiatus when that jolly little tosser Dima was allegedly in charge as head of state. I also lived for almost one year in he USSR, when it was visibly collapsing around one’s ears.

            I do not see poverty around me everywhere Iook. I do not see hunger. I do not see dilapidation and filth around me.

            The hired hand in the video is conjuring up an image of a Third World shi=thole for those convinced that Russia and always has been a Third World shit-hole. Furthermore, the gyrating head gives the usual spiel that Putin is not only a criminal, a tyrant, but that the great mass of Russians are loyal to him, ergo: Russians are idiots with a slave-like inbred nature.

            This is the classic way the Western media works: just tell the folk what they think they already know because you have already told them this many times before, e.g. the United States is the greatest country in the world and everyone wants to live here because we have freedom and democracy and yadayada ….

            • Moscow Exile says:

              Bloody typos!

              Should read:

              …throughout the present tyrannical rule of the Evil One…

              … I also lived for almost one year in the USSR…

              … I do not see poverty around me everywhere I Iook …

              … The hired hand in the video is conjuring up an image of a Third World shit-hole for those convinced that Russia is and always has been a Third World shit-hole …

            • marknesop says:

              Yes, I agree with you, and I’m only going off your statement; I didn’t watch the video. There can be no doubt the sanctions have had some effect – it was pretty much a mathematical impossibility that they would not. But we are agreed they have backfired, have resulted in more popularity for Putin for his measured and well-thought-out response and have cost European producers market share they may never recover. The costs of the sanctions have mostly appeared in products and services which make the exchange rate impossible to get around, and Russians seem to be able to do without those. The bottom line is that the sanctions did not achieve their objective, and may have done far more damage to the sanctioners in the long run.

            • Jen says:

              I think one issue about measuring and comparing living standards generally is how the measures are done, what they’re based on and what is implied in the way certain measures are used and others aren’t.

              A family may be living well by buying cheaply and selectively, and buying locally as well, and stays more or less within its income. Another family buys expensive items made overseas and goes into chronic debt. But due to the way information about these families’ buying habits is collected and measured, the family that goes into debt by buying expensively, and maybe indiscriminately as well, is judged to have a higher standard of living than the one that lives comfortably if frugally.

              Note also that I haven’t even yet mentioned the quality of products bought by the respective hypothetical households.

          • Jen says:

            The one bright spot in Ukraine’s woeful economic performance is that it has found an export market for, er, its weapons … in South Sudan.

            Gotta wonder whether Ukraine is selling weapons imported from overseas or if the Yukies are selling cheap Soviet-era weapons to a Third World failed state in the middle of a civil war.

            • Lyttenburgh says:

              Ukraine’s greatest peremoga across the borders was in Iraq against ISIS. The awful lot of APCs and IFVs that they supplied to Iraq and whichthe jump-started jihadis were about to steal from deserted military bases… simply didn’t start. This signified the greatest triumph of the Ukrainian Arms in the world!

              And now South Sudan is about to make its army stronK all thanks to the Ukrainian engineers and praporshiks [warrant-officers] of the intendant service.


              P.S. Meanwhile Ukraine and Romania decided to cooperate in space

      • kirill says:

        These NATzO media yaps assume that the forex rate drop is equivalent to the change in wealth of the country and its people. They have zero economics knowledge and understanding, assuming that they are not simply malicious posers. There is a metric for the impact of the late 2014 forex rate drop on the Russian standard of living, that is the CPI (inflation rate). The inflation rate integrated over the year from December 2014 to December 2015 was 15.55%. (The 2016 inflation rate was 7.07% and the 2017 inflation rate looks to be around 5%.) The 15.55% figure is how much Russians became poorer assuming that they had zero wage increases. But they had a 3% wage increase in 2015 so that means that they became 13% poorer. For ***that*** year. Starting from 2016, the Russian standard of living has been recovering. So by 2020 the 2014 exchange rate shock will be totally forgotten by the economy in terms of standard of living. It will not be forgotten in terms of the domestic production stimulus that resulted from it.

      • marknesop says:

        Well, it’s true that Russia’s living standards have declined as a measure of their currency’s exchange value against western currencies – to the extent that Russians find it more expensive to purchase western goods using western currency, such as taking a vacation in a western country. We’d love to have our relatives come to visit us, but it would cost them about double what it would have before Obama’s attack on Russia’s economy. It failed to achieve its objective, and certainly did not break Russia – in the long run I am convinced it will hurt Europe more.

        Total vehicle sales, for example, have fallen off to about what they were during the global financial crash, following a steady and rapid climb in 2008. Many Russians are deferring buying a new car, although to put it in perspective, that’s not something most western families do every year, either.

        In summary, I believe Russian living standards have fallen wherever they must deal in western currency or pay western prices with a depressed currency. This has tended to affect the luxury market – new cars and foreign junkets – but in other markets (such as food, clothing and commodities) has been largely offset by new markets and domestic production. What slump remains is expected to stabilize this year and growth is expected to resume by end-2017.

        • kirill says:

          Since Russia is not a banana republic, imported goods are a small part of consumption by its population. This even includes the cars with foreign name brands (Ford, GM, etc) which are locally manufactured. The large inflation spike in early 2015 spooked people and it is taking a while for confidence to return. I do not buy the idea that Russians can’t afford cars because the prices went up by 100%. The real problem is the CBR and its lunatic interest rate policy which directly suppresses consumer lending and borrowing since people cannot handle 15% interest rates for car financing even in the USA. (Note that the CBR prime rate is over 10%, which means consumer rates are much higher).

          • marknesop says:

            Well, some carmakers went on record that they were not going to sell at a loss, and therefore their prices took an upward leap that might have made them temporarily unaffordable. You might factor in also, though, an aversion to western products because of western duplicity – a lot of Russians who might be considering a purchase would perhaps be reluctant to increase Ford’s bottom line, for example, even if the car was completely made in Russia.

            But it’s perfectly true that auto sales are not the only benchmark, and it is much more important that Russia revitalize domestic production while it uncouples itself from western dependency, and seeks new markets. I’m simply going by the complaints of Russians I know, who would like to visit but can’t afford it because of the exchange rate. And that’s an artificiality imposed by the stupid, clumsy sanctions regime. A ruble at home still buys pretty much what it did ‘pre-crisis’, and as Moscow Exile pointed out, some prices for staples are actually lower.

          • Moscow Exile says:

            Some special offers at the supermarket around the corner from where I live:

            Ruble/dollar exchange rate as I write: $1.00 = 56.52 rubles

            A couple of days ago, a survey revealed that a Russian family of three considered a monthly salary of 45,000 rubles to be the minimum to live on.

            The starting salary for a metro motorman whilst training is at present 65.000 rubles a month.

            I have to confess, though, that imported French Camembert and wines and Spanish ham and Ferraris etc. are out of the pocket of the vast majority of Russians.

            And the idiots still like Putin’s tyranny!!!

            • marknesop says:


              My mother-in-law makes the best pelmeni; they grind their own meat, and it is a mix of pork tenderloins and beef stew meat. Lovely. She’s a great cook.

              • Moscow Exile says:

                That’s shoulder of pork in the last picture above, by the way.

                I love pork! And it tastes better than that pumped-up with hormones and fed on god-knows-what pork that they sell in most UK supermarkets and which has no taste. They have proper porkers here, just as I remember how they were when I was a lad.

        • Jen says:

          I’d expect January car sales to be down after the Christmas shopping season as well.

          Also the end-of-financial-year cut-off is important because car sellers usually try to get rid of old stock by lowering prices and offering discounts before the EOFY date to maximise their revenues and increase their liquid assets to cover liabilities and improve the look of their P&L statements and EOFY balance sheets. Then in the new financial year they may continue with the low prices and discount offers to get rid of old stock and make room for new models.

          The Trading Economics graph needs to be a year-by-year graph, not a month-by-month or a season-by-season graph, to iron out seasonal kinks caused by Christmas shopping time or EOFY periods. Year-by-year graphs give a better picture of the general trends in car sales.

  13. Warren says:

    Published on 25 May 2017
    Meet the Chechen leader allegedly torturing gay people.

    • Lyttenburgh says:

      “Meet the Chechen leader allegedly torturing gay people.”

      Personally! Billions of them! In the death camps of Gaylag Archipelago!

      True about Instagram though

    • kirill says:

      I don’t hear a squeak about the treatment of gays in Saudi Arabia and other US client states. The whole subject of gay and women’s rights under Islam is now taboo in the west. The only reason this story is being peddled is because they can insinuate that the mistreatment of gays is Russia’s fault and not the responsibility of Islam.

  14. Lyttenburgh says:

    Photo set for the wives of the NATO countries leaders:

    No, there is no mistake – notcie the absence of Angela Merkel’s husband.

    ’cause Luxemburg is stronk and can into tolerance.

  15. et Al says:

    Euractive: Trans-Europe Express: The foundations of fortress Poland

    …Macierewicz accelerated his work to counterbalance the scandals. He initiated legislation doubling military spending by 2030 and finalised the debut of his darling militia, the Territorial Defence Forces (WOT). And this Tuesday, Macierewicz introduced his ministerial opus – the obtusely titled Concept of Defence of the Republic of Poland.

    What’s the idea? To become a fortress of the West. How? By amassing deterrence and defence capabilities thanks to the accurate identification of threats, accepting that capacity is about both quality and quantity, and by raising defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030.

    Then Poland can effectively face Russia. The ministry also plans to support the country’s allies in the “unstable neighbourhood of NATO’s Southern Flank” and cooperate with Warsaw’s allies to address terrorist threats.

    According to preliminary calculations, even the doubling of defence spending (now $12bn) will not cover the cost. Still, despite the fact that the numbers don’t add up, the strategy shows the better side of Poland’s defence ministry…

    Say, how’s visa free travel to the US coming along?

    • Lyttenburgh says:

      “…Macierewicz accelerated his work to counterbalance the scandals. He initiated legislation doubling military spending by 2030 and finalised the debut of his darling militia, the Territorial Defence Forces (WOT)”

      Macierewicz is an incomptent assclown, not above petty corrution and setting scores with his political opponents (who are immediately accused of being commies/pro-Russians). His much lauded yet another version of the National Guard (with the serial numbers filed off) in reality is closer to their historical predecessors in the terms of effectiveness:

      ^Pospolite Ruszenie in all its glory.

      Something must be in the air, cause there is literally no sane Polack politician. At least Januzs Korwin-Mikke is funny in his insanity, And memtic. And cosplaying girls love don’t resist him too much:

  16. et Al says:

    MiddleEastEye: ‘Sorted’ by MI5: How UK government sent British-Libyans to fight Gaddafi

    Fighters say government operated ‘open door’ policy allowing them to join rebels, as authorities investigate background of Manchester bomber

    The British government operated an “open door” policy that allowed Libyan exiles and British-Libyan citizens to join the 2011 uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi even though some had been subject to counter-terrorism control orders, Middle East Eye can reveal.

    Several former rebel fighters now back in the UK told MEE that they had been able to travel to Libya with “no questions asked” as authorities continued to investigate the background of a British-Libyan suicide bomber who killed 22 people in Monday’s attack in Manchester…

    It’s hard being as clever as MI5.

    • Jen says:

      Must also be hard being as clever as Theresa May who was Home Secretary at the time and who must at least have been aware of this “open door” policy (if she hadn’t actually approved it and signed off on it) occurring on her watch.

      • et Al says:

        You would think that the free, fair, independent and democracy loving UK media would make more of this, but by and large they all want May to win. Better the sinking ship from the last century you know than adjusting for the present day, let alone the future!

  17. Northern Star says:

    “The Russian intelligence at issue purported to show that then-Attorney General Lynch had been compromised in the Clinton investigation. The intelligence described emails between then-Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a Clinton campaign operative suggesting that Lynch would make the FBI investigation of Clinton go away.”

    EXACTLY what is the “Russian intelligence at issue” tnat this lying moron NOW claims to have ?
    Absolutely concrete and documented specifics Please!!!

    • Evgeny says:

      Just exactly how much concrete should the specifics be? Would as strong as grade 30 cement suffice?

      (Btw, translators got it wrong, Russian “M300” cement is “grade 30” in English).

      • Evgeny says:

        Unfortunately, I cannot link to the exact time! The geeky quote about grade 30 cement I referred to is at 6:13 time mark.

        • Northern Star says:

          This picture moving seems to be of great interest..I shall study the pieces more that are on the youtube!!

          Now THIS looks to be VERY interesting..and check the (way back in the ) 20s SFX!!!

          Here’s the Aelita fiim in its entirety :


          • Evgeny says:

            I’ve read the book by Aleksey Tolstoy, but perhaps the movie (although looks fairly fun) is a bit too old for me to enjoy it.

            “Кин-дза-дза” is a cult movie (not based on any book). Certain quotes from it are recognizable in the post-Soviet space. Like, the one about “цветовая дифференциация штанов”.

            • Jen says:

              The movie is good to watch but the actual science fiction takes up a small part of its running time and it is actually equivalent to a famous season of episodes on the 1980s soap opera “Dallas” where the action turns out to be … well, non-action. One of the messages of “Aelita” is that it is better to be active and constructive in the real world, helping to create and build projects that benefit society, rather than daydream about the impossible and setting off revolutions that end up being co-opted by the elites.

              But the sets designed for the Martians on “Aelita” are incredible: the set designer had a background in the one of the avantgarde art movements (I think she was part of the Konstruktivist group) in the Soviet Union at the time.

              One of the actors in “Aelita” was Konstantin Eggert, grandfather of the kreakl journalist / commentator Konstantin von Eggert.

              • Northern Star says:

                “But the sets designed for the Martians on “Aelita” are incredible:”

                Yes..that was one on the main things that caught my eye!!!

                • Northern Star says:

                  The outfits Aelita’ wears from her royalty wardrobe and her headgears are….enchanting!! LOL!!!

      • marknesop says:

        Hey, Zhenya!! How did your home-made kvas turn out?

        • Evgeny says:

          Hello, Mark! Quite tasty, but got me some digestive issues. Not entirely sure what happened — either I messed up the technology, or perhaps just drank too much of it. After all, it was a 5 liters bottle of kvas for me alone!

          • Jen says:

            Maybe you should have eaten something with all that kvas.

          • marknesop says:

            I am hoping to give it a try this summer; I never tasted kvas in Russia, it was one of those weird drinks that westerners shun, like Ryazhenka, which are probably very good for you but which westerners for various reasons find repulsive. I’m a little more receptive now (since I practically live all week on Russian food cooked by my mother-in-law, she makes her own tvorog and everything is delicious) and ready to at least try it to see if I like it.

  18. J.T. says:

    Apparently Charles Clover’s Black Wind, White Snow is now available in Russian:

  19. Warren says:

    Published on 26 May 2017
    Russian Ambassador to Estonia Alexander Petrov commented on the recent decision of the Estonian authorities to expel two high-ranking diplomats from the Russian Consulate in Narva. He was speaking at the Russian Embassy in Tallin, Friday.

  20. Warren says:

    Published on 26 May 2017
    Canada, the land of a gender-balanced, diverse government that offers free healthcare to all and is a beacon to progressive values.

    But the truth is, Canada is not the “post-racial”, “liberal utopia” you may think it is.

    In this week’s Reality Check, we acknowledge that Canada is a model in many areas, but also look at the increasing bigotry faced by Muslims in the country and look at the harsh realities faced by the neglected indigenous population.

    • kirill says:

      Politically correct drivel. Muslims don’t face “increasing bigotry”. This is a pure lie that attempts to mix up the criticism of Sharia and “honour killings” with “bigotry”. You want to see bigotry, take a look at the hate spew at Russians and Russia in the Canadian media. That is real bigotry and prejudice and it is actually increasing.

      • Ilya says:

        Utter horseshit. Muslim’s have never been more emboldened to hive off their own state within Canada. Twink-in-Chief Trudeau claiming that female genital mutilation isn’t barbaric, claiming that Canada is “not at war with ISIS”, and campaigning at a gender-segregated mosque (criticism for which he responded to with “Diversity is our strength!”); the disastrous and precedent-setting assault of the Canadian Human Rights Commission on Ezra Levant for the publication of the Danish Muhammad Cartoons; the recent passage of motion M-103 which will likely serve as the pretext for the outlawing of “Islamophobia”; the successful suing of a secular, explicitly non-denominational school for its lack of suitable prayer spaces. Hell, the inbred tribals have even been given their own stamp:

        “Woe unto me!”

  21. Ilya says:

    Ding, dong…

    • marknesop says:

      He’s playing on the grand chessboard in the sky.

    • Pavlo Svolochenko says:

      Boil in excrement forever and ever you weird-looking Polish bastard.

      • Ilya says:

        The beauty is that in his last days he got to witness Russia’s annexation of Crimea, it’s successful support for and freezing of the insurgency in eastern Ukraine that has left Ukraine economically and socially crippled, Putin being named by the American press as the world’s most powerful figure, and — at least for a good while — the expression of reasonably Russophile sentiments from the President of the United States.

        If this were chess, it looks as though he died right at the moment that Russia was about to promote…

    • Jen says:

      Wherever he’s gone deep down in Hell, there must be a vacant spot for Henry Kissinger right next to him.

    • Moscow Exile says:

      I reckon he must have been a Lipka Tatar.

      I think the former German Chancellor Adenauer may have been one as well:


      There’s a lot of ’em around!

      The bloke below was one:

      Above: the young Charles Bronson (Charles Dennis Buchinsky) in the USAAF, in which he served as a B-29 “Superfortress” air-gunner.

      Incidentally, the B-29 had then a state-of-the-art computer-controlled fire-control system that directed four machine gun turrets that could be operated by a single gunner and a fire-control officer. The tail-gun, however, was manned and semi-remote controlled.

      I reckon air-gunner Buchinsky, as he was then, probably was literally and metaphorically the “Tail-End-Charlie”.

      • marknesop says:

        I always liked Charles Bronson – he was a serious actor (as opposed to a comedian) who was a fairly big success even though he was neither handsome nor regularly cast as the villain. It’s hard to be the hero in Hollywood if you’re not cute. He was brilliant in The Magnificent Seven, in which he played (improbably) Bernardo O’Reilly, and great also in Death Wish.

        • Northern Star says:

          Don’t forget

        • Cortes says:

          But he always tried to get his wife, Jill Ireland, into his films. She had as much acting ability as a cigar store Indian. That said, he was great in “Once Upon a Time in the West”, Leone’s soft Marxist take on the expansion of the railroad.

          • Moscow Exile says:

            I had liking for Bronson because we had certain things in common — sort of. He was brought up in the Western Pennsylvania coalfield, where he worked for a while as a miner, as did his father, a Lipka Tatar immigrant from Lithuania. But his family were not Muslims: they were RC.

            I worked with a number of Poles in the Lancashire coalfield and several of them were of Lipka Tatar origin, I am sure.

            Apparently, Charles Buchinsky (Bronson) only started speaking English in his teens, which figures: close knit immigrant mining community and all that, ethnically and religiously isolated from the majority.

            Bronson played the lead role in the film “Act of Vengeance” about the miners’ leader “Jock Yablonski”, who was murdered in 1969 by another miner’s leader, the corrupt Tony Boyle, who had ousted Yablonsky from the union presidency. Yablonsky knew that Boyle was a thieving bastard.

            I too have occasionally experienced such “skulduggery” in union matters: not murder, but most definitely embezzlement of union funds.

            [There is something about] Charles Bronson, and it is unsettling. He really does seem to possess the capacity for violence. It is there in his eyes, and in his muscular forearms, and in the way he walks. Other actors can seem violent in their roles; Lee Marvin, certainly, and Robert Mitchum and Clint Eastwood. But they don’t seem violent in person. Bronson does. Maybe that’s because he has been there, and violence isn’t strange to him: back when he was Charles Buchinsky from the coalfields of Ehrenfeld, Pennsylvania, he did time twice, once for assault and battery and once for robbing a store. There were hard times early on in Ehrenfeld, and in the Air Corps, and working in mob gambling joints in Atlantic City.

            See: Charles Bronson: “It’s just that I don’t like to talk very much”.


            • Cortes says:

              Very interesting article. Thanks.

              On Friday afternoon I heard about a guy in a warship building yard who was known as “The Tasmanian Devil” with whom even senior managers were terrified to tangle. His flips from quiet, diligent craftsman to rampaging maniac were described as “awesome” by a witness who is by no means a snowflake or shrinking violet. That kind of aura can’t be faked. Bronson definitely had it and that perhaps explains his popularity.

    • Lyttenburgh says:

      Obligatory (and now – totatally appropriate!) song:

      it’s weekend, so I’ll probably follow the song’s avice.

  22. marknesop says:

    Hey; not to steal any thunder from the mostly-unlamented bucket-kicking by Mr. Zbig – but how often do you see news items like this and this in the same news feed?

    The first is a blithe assurance that Australia, defender of all that is good, is working busily with other like-minded defenders of goodliness to bring ‘Russia and Russian soldiers’ to an international trial for the deliberate murder of the passengers and crew aboard MH-17. They probably won’t be able to get the soldiers to actually show up (to be railroaded), the author chirps brightly; but there’s nothing to prevent their being tried in absentia. And found guilty, obviously – frankly, I can’t see any reason for the maudlin spectacle of a trial; why not just announce a verdict and a penalty?

    The article is full of the kind of chuckalicious nonsense that shows what an idiot the press thinks you are. Like this, for example:

    “The Russians have insisted the radar data does not show any BUK missile. But the investigators say: “If the BUK missile could not be seen on the Russian Federation radar images, it does not mean that the BUK missile had not flown there … It may be so that the radar was just working on the other side of its scanning round at the moment that missile was launched.’’

    So even if the radar didn’t show any trace of it, it was still probably there, and that’s that. Maybe the radar was just looking the other way when the missile was fired. Like, for 12 seconds, according to The Daily Mail, which I appreciate, as a source, is like asking your barber or the shoeshine boy.

    I want you to count 12 seconds off to yourself, in your head. What air search radar takes 12 seconds to make a full 360-degree scan? Don’t you think that if something which is flying while the radar is looking the other way is actually invisible, that sensor might not have much value for air defense or air traffic control?.

    In fact, the first time the radar notices a solid object which reflects its energy, observed in the same or roughly the same position it was on the last sweep, it generates an automatic track symbol. The operator will then investigate, and drop it out of the system if it was a garbage track or update it with amplifying information if it is something real. The radar does not have to be looking at it for it to be registered on the display; the system generates a course and speed based on an algorithm and predicts where it will be on the next sweep.If you are looking at raw video, you may see what is known as ‘skin paint’, or an actual representation of the signal bouncing off the plane’s hull, but more often the symbology is digitized.In that case, symbols all have the same relative brightness. In any case, even if the radar was ‘looking the other way’ (I still can’t believe how dumb that is), so long as it saw the contact on, say, the last 3 sweeps, it would generate a track symbol. These people have no idea how radar works.

    And then there’s the second reference, released a week later; Russian newspaper ‘Top Secret’ publishes papers, ostensibly originating with the Ukrainian SBU, which demonstrate that Ukraine aggressively and proactively covered up its own culpability in the crime. The source does not say where it got the document, and says it cannot prove or disprove its accuracy.

    To my mind, that simply invites western media to scream that it is a fake, a desperate measure by Russia to avoid being dragged before a court of law to face its punishment. But it will be interesting to see where this goes.

  23. Moscow Exile says:

    Interesting RI article by Anatoly Karlin on the anti-demolition protest in Moscow with pointed criticism of US agent Navalny:

    Civil Society Rocks Moscow With an Anti-Demolition Protest

    His Lordship who comments to the article is my alter-ego, by the way.

    • Lyttenburgh says:

      Once again Tolya proves himself to be a child-like ебанько with monn-logic applied to basically anything.

      That’s not an article. It’s a rehash of already well known things. For RI to pick it up is like, well, “preaching to the chorus”. What, are you going to tell me that before there were no one aware amongthe Russian Insider regulars that Ololyosha Navralny is a fraud and loser? Or about said (Moscow centered to boot) protests? It might be good for Karlin’s cesspit for a blog, with radioactive dump for a comment section on the UNZ, where the “contingent” is mostly ignorant and insane, but for the RI it’s like scrapping the bottom.

      In the very beginning Tolyan writes:

      “There have been three significant political protests in Moscow in the past few months, and each in their own way – and in their relation to each other – say a lot about the state of Russia today.

      It’s not that great for the Kremlin.

      But not for the reasons the Western media would have you believe.”

      Ooooooooouuuuh! Ominous! Suspense! Will Tolik explain why “it’s not great for the Kremlin”? Of course not! He is incapable of doing such things, Either because he is genuinly autistic and having trouble understanding fellow human beings (prerering, instead, to juggle the numbers to fit his agenda), or he is malicious and hypocritical member of the “Crussionality” (“The Downfall of the Regime is Imminent” and all that jazz) school of thought, where its proponents actively wish bad stuff to happen to Russia and its government, no matter how unlikely for this to pass.

      One ofthe commenters asks just that:

      Isabella Jones • an hour ago

      This is very much a local issue, and on par with similar scenes repeated the world over, as the comments point out.
      Why it’s supposedly a worry for the Kremlin I fail to see, other than that the writer would like to think it is.

      Why whenever a big group of protesters protesting anything gathers in Russia (truckers and “Platon”, St, Pete’s residents and “Isakiy”, Muscovites and “Khruschevki”) the proponents of the Crussionality assure the wolrd – that’s it! The Downtrodden Masses finally Rose Against the Tyrant! Soon they will storm the Kremlin with torches and pitchforks!

      Why? Because those who say such nonsense wish for this to happen, not because it’s likely. When a thorng of pussy-hats marched against Trump, why no one was discussing with absolutely serious face that these downtroded vaginal (literally – some of them wore vagina costumes) masses going to storm the White House, torch down Trump Tower and put an end to the “Cheeto Benito” and his mysgnist penisoid tyrrany? France is rocked by riots and clashes with police nonstop – yet everyone is totally chill about it.

      But in Russia… Russia is an exception to these fucks.

      Relax. Nothing violent will come from these protests. Better look at the cooling corpse of the recently passed Zbig. He also liked to make “Crussionality” type predictions. Now he is desintegrating.

      • Moscow Exile says:

        I think Anatoly’s sarcasm has been missed by many.

        His headline is sarcastic: that housing policy demonstration was much larger than the ones organized by Navalny and Khodorkovsky’s acolytes, is patently obvious, but that it “rocked” the Kremlin is a mockery of how the Western media blows up the effects of much smaller opposition demos.

        Anatoly opens his comment by mocking how the West, as usual, gave big coverage to its Poster Boy, the “leading Putin critic” and “opposition leader” and twice convicted for fraud Aleksei Navalny, and then describes the total non-event that was Khodorkovsky’s “protest” movement, which was so pathetic that even the Western presstitutes were forced to ignore it.

        He then goes on to describe a local housing issue and those involved in protests about and it and about whom, he writes,”it currently appears that officials are seriously engaging with their demands”.

        So of the three “signifiicant” protests, none of which “threaten” the Kremlin, he says the last, a local issue, is being engaged with accordingly by politicians.

        Navalny tried to get belatedly involved with the housing policy protesters and was promptly shown the door at Prospekt Akademica Sakharova, where the housing protest rally took place.

        The Western media does not know how to handle this. Navalny was not welcome: the Kremlin is not about to fall; local government is dealing with the issue. Nothing to see here, move along.

        No kreaklies, no kids throwing their trainers in the air, no freaks in fancy dress, no Yukie flags, no Nationalist neo-Nazis, no “gays”, no anguished popular entertainers: just a normal, civilized protest by citizens – by 20,000 of them, in fact.

        I do not think that very many residents of khrushchevka are great supporters of US agent Navalny, by the way, nor do they have in mind through their protest over housing policy the overthrow of the “tyrant” Putin.

        So down the Western media black memory hole goes the story.

        • Lyttenburgh says:

          ME, context is everything. Karlin seriously hopes for “troubles” for the “kremlins”. He wrote about that previously:

          “Тем временем, не могу сказать, что я уж очень резко против навальнистов.
          Скорее всего, ничего у них все равно не выйдет. А если власть почувствует реальную угрозу, то вполне реалистично, что прибежит за помощь к черносотенцам.
          И мы начнем кремлинам диктовать свои порядки”.

          And this totally correlates with what he wrote in the beginning:

          “There have been three significant political protests in Moscow in the past few months, and each in their own way – and in their relation to each other – say a lot about the state of Russia today.

          It’s not that great for the Kremlin.”

          For him it doesn’t matter what the buzz is all about – he wants “the Kremlins” to surrender part of their power to his dear “black hundreds” in the extra-judicial way. For his own ideological reasons.

          • Moscow Exile says:

            But I read the line “It’s not that great for the Kremlin” as being sarcastic in the extreme!

            Anotole leads with “There have been three significant political protests in Moscow in the past few months” and then goes on to describe how politically insignificant Navalny’s was (as usual), commenting on the clear change in the composition of its participants.

            He then describes the Khodorkovsky demonstration as a non-event. So non-eventish was it, in fact, that even the Western press whores were forced to ignore it.

            So these first two of his three “significant” political protests were only significant in their insignificance. And they were certainly no “threat to the Kremlin”.

            The third event he describes as by far the largest of the three and that it was about a local housing policy issue, its organizers giving the Western Golden Boy Navalny the cold shoulder when he tried to muscle himself in. And in no way does he describe the protest of 20,000 and more disgruntled Muscovites over Sobyanin’s demolition and reallocation policy as “Kremlin threatening”. Nor does the Western media, despite the fact of the scale of that thirdly described orderly and sanctioned protest.

            The first two events were unsanctioned, of course, and, therefore, illegal.

            I have noticed that the present ire of some Muscovites over city housing policy is neither directed against the Russian government nor the president: it is clearly directed at Sobyanin.

            It is a local issue.

            • Lyttenburgh says:

              I’m banned on his “illustrious” blog, ME. You, OTOH, not. Why won’t you ask him whether it was a sarcasm or not? Plus – could he clarify a bit about the another quote from his Russian-language blog that I also provided?

              That’s the only way to find the truth, instead of wildly guessing the meaning of this or that,

              • Moscow Exile says:

                I am not wildly guessing: what he wrote about the three demonstrations being “bad news for the Kremlin” seemed to me to have been written in sarcasm.

                Clearly (to me, in any case) none of the three demonstrations that he described were “bad news for the Kremlin”: Navalny’s 8,000, representing less than 0.01% of the Moscow population was no threat; Khodorkovsky’s “Open Russia” gathering of about 200 was no threat to the Kremlin either; and the 20,000 (and some say there were far more than that) Muscovites who were protesting about Sobyanin’s rehousing policy were nether directing their anger against the government nor the Dark Lord. They were protesting about a local housing issue and specifically against Sobyanin’s mayorality and were, therefore, in no way “bad news” for the Kremlin.

          • yalensis says:

            Yup, this is what I have been trying (ineffectually) to say all along.

            Karlin’s slogan is “Uncuck teh Kremlins”. He believes that the Putin government is a cuck because it tolerates the Untermenschen.
            Karlin writes disapprovingly of the Navalnyites ties with Ukrainian nationalists and Maidan types, and yet he doesn’t think that’s such a big deal. It’s just a minor dispute between friends in the Nationalist Internationale.

            Karlin’s main beef against Navalny is that the latter is not an effective opponent of the Kremlin.
            Karlin makes it clear that his goal is to influence the Kremlin in the direction of Russian (“Black Hundreds”) nationalism. The method is to stir up disorders, so that the Kremlin is forced to turn to the Black Hundreds, just as the Tsar, in his final agony, turned to his regime’s black hundreds.

            А если власть почувствует реальную угрозу, то вполне реалистично, что прибежит за помощь к черносотенцам.
            И мы начнем кремлинам диктовать свои порядки.

            “And if the government starts to feel a real threat, then it is seems fully realistic that it will turn for help tot he Black Hundreds. And we will then start to dictate our own terms to the Kremlins.”

            I don’t believe that Tolya is being ironic or sarcastic here. This is all pretty much black and white stuff, his whole program laid out for the world to see, like Mein Kampf.
            I think this is his actual plan, and his strategy. His political program includes things like expelling migrants. He has stated in black and white that he intends, like a missionary, to bring the American-made doctrine of “scientific racism” to the Russian political scene. (Putting “scientific” in quotes.)
            But Karlin also knows that he won’t be able to carry out his program unless there is some unrest and some crisis within the government. He is hoping for some sequence of events that lead to bringing the Black Hundreds into positions of more influence.

            People in the broad “Russophile” community need to decide whether they stand with the Russian nationalists, who are basically racists, or whether they stand with traditional Russian culture, which is tolerant and inclusive.
            Both camps are “pro-Russia”, but both come at it from completely different political angles.

      • yalensis says:

        I come at this from the angle of analyzing political movements, parties and factions, based on their platforms; and also on their “faves” and “dislikes”.

        In my interpretation:
        Tolya has decided to back the faction within the Nationalist movement which despises Navalny.
        Recall that Tolya informed the world, on his arrival in Russia, that the Nationalist movement was of 2 minds about Navalny: Some like him, some don’t.
        Tolya speaks approvingly of Evgenia Vinokurova, one of the leaders of the “anti-demolition” movement, and also apparently a leading light in the anti-Navalny faction of the Nationalist movement.
        The Russian Nationalists have their own agenda and hope to build a mass movement in Russia. Using these issues and events as opportunities to organize the masses.
        If they hope to maintain any kind of credibility, then they cannot allow Western stooges like Navalny to coopt their movement.

        I shouldn’t be giving them advice, though, since I don’t agree with the main points of their political platform.

        • Moscow Exile says:

          I lived for 5 years with my wife after our marriage in 1997 in the Khruschyovka where she was raised in the Taganskiy Area of the Central Moscow District. We eventually had to move following the births of our children: we now being a family of 5. However, our 1970s Soviet block is situated in the next street.

          The Khrushchyovka is still my wife’s property – and she does not want it knocked down. My wife wants neither a new flat nor the money: she wants to keep the cozy little place that is just around the corner from us.

          I am of the same mind as her. As Anatoly says, centrally located and in a verdant area, it still is a desirable property. Furthermore, my son is 18 next month and he should like to live there. I want him to move there as well.

          Luzhkov said that he planned that there be no more Khrushchyovkas left in Moscow, but they were still there when Sobyanin took over the mayor’s office. Now Sobyanin says they are all going to be demolished, but I cannot see this happening in the near future.

          A list of 5-floor houses to be demolished this year was published last month. Ours was not on it. In fact, only three Khrushchyovkas in this district were listed for demolition.

          • yalensis says:

            Personally I doubt if Anatole gives a shit about these housing units and whether they are torn down or preserved.
            There are people who care one way or the other. (I’m not one of them either.)
            I think Anatole and his Russian nationalist friends are just using these protests to recruit followers. Possibly they have somebody that they want to run for Mayor against Sobyanin?

            • yalensis says:

              And once again: It’s true that this is a purely local issue. I don’t live in Moscow, so I don’t really care. If you and your wife want the buildings to stay, then fine. I’ll support you.
              My main point being that Tolya and his “Black Hundreds” will be trying to infiltrate the demonstrations and recruit followers, based on this local issue. They’ll probably be there, among the crowds, handing out their pamphets about “scientific racism” and DNA, how Central Asians should be deported, and how anybody who disagrees with them is a cuck.

              Old joke which I heard from an old American, relating to the old Communist Party, and how it used to organize, back in the old days, using local issues as a bridge to high politics:

              So, the tenants of this public housing complex are protesting to the Mayor, going on a rent strike and making various demands. The Mayor comes out to reason with them: “I understand what you need, and I hear your demands. I promise we will fix those leaky toilets and rickety staircases. I promise that we will put a fresh coat of paint in every apartment. The only thing I can’t promise you, because I simply don’t have the authority, is that we will pull our troops out of Vietnam…”

      • Moscow Exile says:

        And today, Saturday, 27 May, about 1,000 demonstrators assembled on Suvarov Square to protest against Moscow city housing policy:

        On Suvorov Square representatives from dozens of Moscow districts chanted every few minutes “Sobyanin – resign!”

        The Kremlin about to fall?

        Putin hides away in abject terror of the angry mob?

        • Moscow Exile says:

          chant> not chanted

          Live Tweet!

        • Moscow Exile says:

          Never missing an opportunity to get a dig in at the “tyrant”, some of the bourgeois press has been saying that the Kremlin is “distancing” itself from the demolition-relocation dispute.

          Funny that!

          Isn’t the press here supposed to be “Kremlin controlled”?

          Kremlin spokesman Peskov has countered these allegations, reports Rossiskaya Gazeta:

          26.05.2017 16:01
          The Kremlin has made a reminder of the status of the Moscow [housing] renovation project

          [Housing] renovation in Moscow is neither a Kremlin project nor is it the president’s, so it is incorrect to talk about their distancing [themselves] from it. This has been stated by presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskovo to journalists.

          Commenting on media reports about the alleged intention of the Kremlin to distance itself from this renovation theme, Peskov asked: “What does to distance ourselves mean?”

          “This is not a Kremlin programme, nor is it a presidential administration project; it is neither an initiative of the president nor is it the president’s project”, the presidential press secretary reminded [the journalists].

          “The formulation of the issue as one of distancing is wrong and incorrect per se”, stressed Peskov.

          Asked to explain the Kremlin’s attitude towards the renovation programme, the presidential press secretary said: “When the mayor of Moscow came up with this initiative, he had a meeting with the president, and the president just evaluated this programme”. It will be recalled that Vladimir Putin then gave his support to the mayor’s proposal.

          See: В Кремле напомнили о статусе проекта реновации в Москве

    • marknesop says:

      That’s really quite a good piece, and I agree with you that Anatoly was being sarcastic when he appeared to give weighty significance to the ‘protest’. He made a number of interesting points, though, among them the suggestion that demolished krushchevsky will not be replaced on the same piece of ground where they were razed. On the face of it that appears patently impossible – where would the former residents live while their new homes were being constructed? That could take a year or more, even with advanced prefab techniques. However, if former residents are shunted to cheerless new dwellings on the outskirts, it certainly does open up the unsavoury possibility that city officials have plans for the available land in desirable neighbourhoods that do not include the middle class, to put it delicately.

      Moscow could alleviate these concerns immediately with written and binding assurances that former residents would be relocated to temporary quarters only, and that suitable accommodations at competitive middle-class rates would be constructed on the same spot the old place was taken down. Residents who had to move to the suburbs must be offered first opportunity to return to their former neighbourhoods; if they choose not to, they could become long-term residents in their new quarters. Apartments in the suburban areas could be re-let to new tenants as the former residents returned to their krushchevsky replacements.

      It strikes me, mostly as a result of reading the article, that the biggest things Navalny has working against him are his overall unlikeability and his patent self-centredness – he cannot help coming off as a shameless grifter with his hand out, because that’s what he is. A real populist champion who was humble and who tried, at least initially, to work with the Kremlin in order to bring about cooperative change might rapidly build a real following. But people perceive – correctly – that Navalny craves power for its own sake and would exploit it for the opportunities it offered him to personally benefit, while merely mouthing populist dogma and platitudes.

      • Moscow Exile says:

        But the rehousing plan has never suggested that the former krushchyovka dwellers move to the suburbs: the relocated people will only be relocated in a suburb if their 5-storey house was in that self same suburb. The relocation has always been planned to be as close as possible to the site of the demolished houses.

        Our old khrushchyovka dwelling neighbours have started petitioning against its demolition. They asked my wife last week for her signature to a petition that it not be razed. She asked me what I would do if I were asked to sign. I told I would sign against demolition, which is what she did herself (because I’m the boss, see).

        The local secret police who know everything about everyone even before it happens, namely the permanent neighbourhood grandma social watchdogs, told my wife the other day that no way is house №17/1, our old house, going to be knocked down. They are certain of this because right facing it is a very large state kindergarten and if our old khrushchyovka and others in the neighbourhood bite the dust, then the kindergarten will be closed and demolished, the babushki say. Their all-seeing eyes have determined that there is no way that the kindergarten is going to be demolished. I do not quite get their reasoning behind of this, but I have to admit, they are, in my experience, always proven right about what they say is going to happen.

        • marknesop says:

          Then there is a big discrepancy between what you say and what Anatoly says, because he reports exactly that – the new housing is all outside the desirable neighbourhoods, in a field of asphalt far from their friends and the familiar touchstones of their lives.

          • Moscow Exile says:

            It is not what I say: it is what the Moscow city housing authority says. The devil is in the details, though. There is a promise that former residents of demolished 5-storey houses shall be relocated as close as possible to the site of their previous residence. “As close as possible” could very well mean in many cases places such as this:

            That’s the Western Degunino area of the North Moscow District.

            And here’s the evil genius behind the planning of the housing demolition scheme and citizen relocation that has caused such social turmoil:

            Acting under the Evil One’s orders, no doubt.

            Sobyanin is pictured standing in front of an architect’s model of the now well under way construction of the Western Degunino monstrosity, part of which being visible through the window behind of him.

            This nightmare of a place is being constructed on former derelict industrial land.

            See: На севере Москвы возводят микрорайон со всей инфраструктурой

            Ye Gods! How can the heartless Tyrant expect people to live in such hell holes as this place pictured below????

            That’s the Lomonosov Moscow State University main building Stalinesque tower in the background.

            And this:

            That’s the “Volga” residential neighbourhood, which is located in the South-Eastern part of Moscow about 3 miles out of town from where i live and is, therefore, one of the districts in which relocated residents from my district might be relocated.

            Before starting the construction, work was undertaken on the removal from the territory of 56 industrial enterprises and artifacts. The whole construction enterprise, the liberation of the area from non-residential premises, parking areas and garages, and the construction of a social infrastructure, was fully implemented by investors.

            The “Volga” residential district is located near the Kuzminki Park conservation areas and has its own infrastructure. The project includes 9 multi-storey parking houses having a total capacity of 8,400 cars, 4 kindergartens for 690 children, 3 secondary schools designed for 2,200 pupils, clinics, and 2 of sports complexes.

            See: Жилой микрорайон «Волжский»

            What bullshit!

            Who do they think they are kidding?

            Parking capacity for 8,400 cars!!!

            Russians cannot afford cars: they wait years after having been allowed to order a crappy Soviet Zhiguli!

            Everyone knows that, you lying Communist bastards!!!!,

            • marknesop says:

              Those places look pretty nice.

              • Moscow Exile says:

                Potemkin Villages!!!!!!!

                Never forget that the Russians lack basic freedoms that you in the West take for granted because they, as a lesser breed, are genetically conditioned to be slaves.

                Behind those pastel coloured exteriors are shitholes, I tell you!

                Filth and degradation and drunkenness and squalor and prostitution and government organized racism and beating up of “pedos” — it’s all there, and more!

                It’s hell on earth, I tell ya!!!!!!

                Meanwhile, their Tyrant Lord lives in palaces!

                From the ever truthful and objective BBC in 2012:

                Putin’s palace? A mystery Black Sea mansion fit for a tsar

                And buried deep within that piece of BBC investigative journalism there is the following:

                The documents do not prove that the palace was meant for Putin himself, or that he was personally involved in its construction.

                And then:

                But mystery still surrounds it.

                Well, if you say so …

    • Lyttenburgh says:

      Sheiikh Leheim abu-Navali with son – little lion of the liberal jihad!

      • marknesop says:

        Former adoring gushers of how handsome Lyosha is – such as Julia Ioffe – would now be hard pressed to refrain from noticing the layer of padding that good living is putting on him. Check out those chins. What are the chances the dark circle under his right eye is just makeup? Did his assailant punch green poison into his eye with his fist?

      • yalensis says:

        Is that Leonid Volkov behind him (on the left)? I read in the Russian press that Volkov is going to manage Navalny’s presidential run.

        • Moscow Exile says:

          Yes. He’s never away from him now. He’s Navalny’s presidential campaign chief of staff.

          I wonder what agreement they have reached as regards the division of the campaign funds that they will have amassed by the time the election result is known, which election will most definitely not result in Navalny becoming the third president of Russia?

  24. Warren says:

    Published on 26 May 2017
    Globo TV withdraws support from President Michel Temer by leaking incriminating recording and issues retraction that implicated former president Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff: report from Mike Fox in Brazil

    • marknesop says:

      Ha, ha – what a dilemma!! Mr. Deripaska must be honest and upstanding, because he is expected to testify that Russia did indeed collude with Trump in manipulating the election results. But they can’t let him into the USA, because he is connected to organized crime and consequently a criminal who might be expected to lie at the drop of a hat in order to gain opportunity for himself! What to do, what to do?? I know – we’ll just invent his testimony, for free. Then we can broadcast what we believe he would have confessed, and there will be no messy details like denials. Oleg Deripaska, a close buddy of Putin’s, admits that Russia totally rigged the election!! But we can’t tell you how he did it, so nobody has any idea what precautions must be taken to make sure he doesn’t do it again. On reflection, that’s probably the smart way to do it, because America can bring in even more restrictive measures which let the government exercise even more control over the vote, for – you guessed it – your own safety and protection.

      • cartman says:

        Why does he have “high-priced Manhattan townhouses” if he is not allowed to enter the country? Maybe he has a senator helping him get around that ban. *cough* McCain *cough*

    • Moscow Exile says:

      Now don’t forget, folks: Putin and Deripaska are best buddies!

      • Moscow Exile says:

        But Russia is in serious trouble says the commentator at the end.

        No matter which way you look at Russia, it is in serious trouble, according to Western observers — unless it learns to mend its ways and adopt Western standards, of course.

        • Moscow Exile says:

          No mention in the NYT article of Deripaska’s becoming the Aluminium King as a result of the “Aluminium Wars”:

          The onetime nuclear physicist came to prominence later than the first 1990s “oligarchs”, becoming Russia’s aluminium king after the brutal scramble for control of Siberian metals assets, nicknamed the “aluminium wars”. His position was cemented when he merged his Rusal company with Russia’s Sual and the alumina assets of Switzerland’s Glencore last year to create UC Rusal, the world’s biggest aluminium producer.

          His holding company, Basic Element, now encompasses a business empire including autos, energy, financial services and construction.

          Source: FT in 2008

          The Aluminium Wars – RUSAL and New Russian Economic Power

          Preferred by the Kremlin, shunned by the States

  25. Warren says:

    Published on 27 May 2017
    Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) have always considered “the West” – and the United States in particular – the ultimate enemy.

    But following President Vladimir Putin’s policy of military involvement in Syria, Russia may have taken its place as ISIL’s main target.

  26. et Al says: via Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

    by John Solomon and Sara Carter

    The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau’s public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks.

    In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.”

    Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party….

    Holier than thou…

    So here we have American public servants divided in to at least two camps. Firstly those who think they are really clever and had absolutely no compunction in leaking against Trump. Now we see the response. Leaks go both ways and I’m not just talking about no.1’s and no.2’s…. actually three ways… It is an unedifying spectacle of US public servants at war against each other and undermines the very institutions they purport to support, not to mention that it could well affect their operations and more importantly, trust. If you wonder what politicized institutions mean for a country, look no further than Italy.

  27. et Al says:

    Toronto Star via

    Iraqi photojournalist Ali Arkady was embedded with who he thought were the good guys — an elite unit of Iraqi soldiers battling Daesh in the name of a united Iraq, strong and free once and for all. But as the battle for Mosul intensified, the Iraqis lost the plot, descending into torture and murder of civilians.

    Photos and video by Ali Arkady

    By Mitch Potter, Michelle Shephard and Bruce Campion-Smith

    Pot. Kettle. Black. It’s not evil if allies do it.

    • marknesop says:

      They….ummmm….have a right to protect their country. Next question, please.

      Seriously, the conclusions the author draws are accurate – this behavior legitimizes DAESH and organizations like it, and ensures the next to rise will be even more bloody and ruthless. By the endgame, “Humanity” might be just a buzzword in parlour gossip.

  28. et Al says: – Weekend Reviews: The Fog of Cold War

    “Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
    That’s not my department,” says Wernher von Braun.
    ~ From Tom Lehrer’s ballad of Wernher von Braun

    From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning is the enlightening memoir by Paul Johnstone, a man who worked in the “department” that decided where “they” would come down. Johnstone labored there during WWII and then from 1949 to 1969, the initial period of the Cold War and the period covered by this book…

    …A central message of the book is the inevitable failure of intelligence. This aspect of the memoir is hard to apprehend in all its facets without actually reading it. Why can “intelligence” not be trusted? First the intelligence agencies lie – and do so quite consciously when it suits those who command them or the desires of those who command their commanders. Anyone who does not recognize this by now has not been paying attention. …
    More a the link

  29. Moscow Exile says:

    Navalny electioneering in Kaluga today, 27 May:

    Навальный рассказал о своем отношении к геям и платной трассе в Калуге. Фоторепортаж

    Navalny has spoken about his attitude towards gays and a toll road to Kaluga. Photoreportage

    130 turned up.

    Look at their ages!

    They can mostly barely remember the Golden Yeltsin Years.

    I wonder how his half-blind eye is?

    • marknesop says:

      He and his hamsters were careful to report that the damage might hopefully not be permanent. They will milk it until it’s of no further value, and then announce it seems to be on the mend. Meanwhile it will probably offer endless lulzy glimpses of Navalny squinting and mugging for the camera, and then appearing perfectly all right just moments later.

  30. Northern Star says:

    ” Although the presence of the Russian air force has prevented the establishment of Clinton’s “no-fly” zones over Syria, the Americans appear to be attempting to establish “no-go” zones on the ground to provide sanctuary for their Islamic jihadist proxies. The larger goal is to seize eastern Syria, under the guise of fighting ISIS, severing the land route between Syrian government-held territories in the west and the Iraqi border, and further east to Iran.

    The U.S. claimed it struck the column, killing at least six soldiers and knocking out several tanks, to protect U.S. and British special forces troops training anti-government jihadists on the Syrian side of the Jordanian border, where Washington is amassing a large invasion force. The attack is a blatant violation of international law, an act of war, since the Americans and Brits have no right to be on Syrian soil, while the Iraqis, Iranians, Lebanese and Russians are guests of the sovereign, internationally recognized government in Damascus.”

    I said -feared-as much a awhile back..after Aleppo fell to Assad’s people

    “Hillary Clinton may never win the presidency, but she has won the battle over U.S. imperial policy in Syria. The U.S. will soon begin laying political-military trip-wires at strategic “no-go” points around Syria, to create space for Washington’s Islamic jihadist foot soldiers. Hillary’s style of warring diplomacy requires that targeted nations react to U.S. aggressions in prescribed ways: the Russians are supposed to blink in the presence of a real superpower; the Syrians must accept the loss of their territorial integrity and sovereignty; and the Iranians are required to surrender or become the next inferno. Otherwise, “We came, we saw – everybody died.”

    So ..the Brits have a festering clusterfuck situation right in the UK proper..and yet they are in Syria fucking around with Assad…with zero legal (international) or moral imprimatur….

  31. marknesop says:

    Is the balance of power about to shift again in Ukraine? Are Poroshenko’s Nazi battalions about to seize Akhmetov’s assets for him under the guise of anti-corruption efforts?

    • Jen says:

      But this move to seize Akhmetov’s assets and the assets of other oligarchs who just might happen to challenge Poroshenko in future presidential elections is bound to affect Poroshenko himself unless he changes the constitution to make state seizure of his assets unlawful and to give himself life presidency.

      • marknesop says:

        He seems much more a blunt instrument than a clever planner, and I doubt it has occurred to him that someone might one day do to him what he does to others.

  32. Pavlo Svolochenko says:

    Ukrainian pilots will do anything for money – but they won’t do it well.

    • marknesop says:

      It’s hard to know how much of that is accurate, given that most of it is not sourced, just a ‘we know’. But if even half of it is true (some we know is accurate because the attack on the Administration Building in Lugansk was well-documented, along with Kiev’s ridiculous excuses that an air conditioner blew up or somebody was trying to fire a shoulder-launched missile from inside an office) it is a shocking glimpse of a people who deserve their miserable lot.

      I’ll bet it won’t make the ‘Brave Little Ukraine’ pages of the New York Times.

  33. Moscow Exile says:

    The kreakly and the Russian I-hate-Russia brigade are lapping this story up of the “brutal arrest” near the Arbat of a 10-year-old child who was simply reading extracts from “Hamlet”.

    Oh what grist to the tortured artist soul’s mill!

    In short, the child was begging, no parent or guardian being present. When being led to a police car, which was to transport him to the local police station, from where his parents or guardians could be located, the child began screaming “Help me!”

    Truly a trainee kreakl!

    A woman, whom the pained kreakl bloggers at first identified as the child’s mother, then came on the scene, screeching “What are you doing?”

    When asked who she was, she said she was an “acquaintance” of the child. Then she said she was his neighbour. She continued interfering and the child continued to screech “Help me!”

    She was arrested as a result of her trying to obstruct the officers’ actions.

    The Russian blogosphere is now awash with kreakl comments about this latest example of Putin’s wickedness and the horror that is Russia.

    In this morning’s KP:

    В полиции прокомментировали задержание несовершеннолетнего попрошайки с Арбата

    The police have commented on their detention of an under-age beggar near the Arbat [video enclosed]

    “At 19.40, police found a 10-year-old child who was alone on the street and who was going up to passers-by and drivers of vehicles. He gave his name, and also said that he was collecting money and that he was currently unaccompanied by either his parents or legal representatives. Given these circumstances, it was decided to take the minor from the street and to deliver him to a police station, where a search for his parents could be undertaken”, said a spokesperson for the Moscow City Police Dept….

    .. a woman tried to prevent the lawful actions of the police and began to scream, causing conflict and attracting the attention of passers-by and to record the event on her mobile phone camera…

    During the proceedings at the police station, it was found that the child at the time of his apprehension by the police was engaged in begging, but considering that he was under 16 years of age, he cannot be charged with an administrative offense”, stressed the police.

    The boy’s father was found only at 22.00. He was handed over his son on his arrival at the police station….

    “According to preliminary data, the child was on the street in the evening without his parents. Investigations will give a legal assessment of the police officers’ actions and decide on the direction of the administrative material in relation to the parents”, the Russian Investigatory Committee has noted….

    According to the preliminary information of the investigation as regards the woman who insulted and interfered with the actions of the police officers in the performance of their official duties, she could be prosecuted. She faces five years of imprisonment under the article “violence against a representative of the authorities”.

    “In addition, the investigation notes that the information about the incident that has spread in the media, including those parties that interest themselves with such matters, is premature and may be biased. We request that all witnesses contact the Presnensky Investigatory Department of the Main investigative Department for the city of Moscow” comments the Russian IC.

    Examples below of kreakl shite now appearing in the Russian blogosphere as a result of the described above incident:

    Attention, parents! When going for a walk, bear in mind that very clever children are now having their collars felt for reading the classics. What is the point of such nonsense? Away with such clever people!

    Маленький мальчик Шекспира читал,
    А рядом наряд полицейский гулял,
    Под взгляды прохожих и крики мамаши,
    Скрутили гадёныша органы наши!

    A little boy was reading Shakespeare,
    But nearby a police patrol was strolling.
    Under the eyes of passers-by and to mothers’ cries,
    Our twisted bastard authorities nabbed him!

    The 10-year-old was begging, though:

    Ответственность за вовлечение несовершеннолетнего в совершение антиобщественных действий

    Liability for the involvement of minors in antisocial activity.

    The linked blog maintains that it is criminally irresponsible for parents to allow their children to beg.

    However, this kreakl does not agree:

    Подонки в погонах

    Scum in uniform

    The kreakl describes the woman who was screeching “What are you doing” as the child’s stepmother.

    And here is another pained kreakl blog:

    Полиция свинтила 10-ти летнего мальчика за чтение стихов!

    Police nab a 10-year-old boy for reading poetry!

    The video contains scenes of child abuse by the police! For 18+: not for those of a nervous disposition to look at! This is all you need to know about what is going on in Moscow today. These policemen must leave the force!!! Look at how they enjoy their power over the weak and defenseless. How boorishly they behave! Such non-humans do not belong in the police!

    What a hysterical load of shite off an artistic type!

    Not all bloggers, though, are of like mind — fortunately:

    Но ведь в данном случае менты поступили совершенно правильно!

    But in this case, the cops did everything right!
    Let’s just pretend that I am a cop on duty. I go into downtown Moscow and suddenly I see a little boy about 10 years old who is completely alone walking down the street pestering passers-by by reading poetry to them. And he has an open bag with him. The child is dressed normally. Firstly, how should I assess the situation? Personally, I would only ask myself what sort of child he is: does he seem to be lost; has he run away from home? How should I act if I were a police officer? To take the child to the police station and find out who he is, where he is from and why, as far as I could make out, he was begging? Had he suddenly got lost? Had he just run away from home?

    And that is what the police in fact did in this case. Why is everyone now calling these cops not fit to burn?

    The child screams and tears himself away. No attention should be paid to this matter. Children scream and pull themselves away even on occasions when people are clearly trying to rescue them from alcoholic or sadistic parents.

    Suddenly, out of nowhere there runs up to a woman who starts, judging by the video I saw, to become hysterical. She claims she is the child’s mother. If you can imagine me as being a cop at this scene of events, I should have a number of obvious questions to ask this woman, such as: “Why is your child in the city centre and pestering passers-by?” “Where were you at this time?” “Why was your child apparently begging?” “Are you exploiting this child by taking the money off him that he has earned through his own efforts?” “How do I know if you are his mother?” “You could be a Gypsy who has stolen him and who takes the money off him that he has made by begging?” “Perhaps you have a false passport?”

    On top of this, the woman claiming to be his mother starts beating me in her wild hysterics …, which suggests to me that she is actually mentally ill. The only reasonable solution in this situation is to pack off both mother and son to a police station in order to verify their identity and check out the answers to the above questions that I had. And that is what the cops did.

    That is to say, in this case they acted absolutely professionally and did not walk past a child who could have been in a very difficult situation, as is usually the case. So why is everyone getting so hot and bothered about this? And what does the “bloody regime” have to do with all of this? Moreover, in Europe, with its cult of children’s rights, the family of a child who was allegedly begging would not get away with this: they would have had the child taken away from them right away, and rightly so.

    I should add that in the video taken by the hysterical woman, she herself states several times to the arresting officers that she is an “acquaintance” of the boy, his “neighbour”.

    • Moscow Exile says:

      I wonder how these wailing kreakly imagine a London cop would react on seeing a 10-year-old kid begging in central London?

    • Moscow Exile says:

      It turns out that the boy is an apprentice kreakl of kreakl stock He is also 9-years old.

      Отец мальчика, арестованного на Арбате: Мой сын не попрошайка
      Элиас Скавронски объяснил «МК», чем занимался ребенок до и после задержания

      Father of a boy arrested on Arbat: My son is not a beggar
      Elias Skavronsky explained “MK” what the child was doing before and after detention

      A couple of days ago, 9-year-old Oscar and could not have dream of such glory. But now the whole country knows the face of the boy who was arrested on Arbat square for the reading of Hamlet’s soliloquy. This major story has been discussed in the media; social network users have been giving their assessment about what happened; politicians, lawyers and show-business people have been arguing about it. [Load of hype! — ME]

      However, some questions still remain to be answered. For example, there still remains the reaction of Oscar’s mother to the incident.And it strange how the officers say that the boy was begging, yet the orator’s relatives say he was not.The schoolboy’s father, Elias Skavronsky, has given selective interviews selectively. He has chiefly spoken on a video via his social network page. However, he agreed to give “MK” an interview.

      Oscar the soliloquy reciter

      Despite all the hype, Elias Skavronsky’s live broadcast was heard only by about 200 people. The interview itself with Internet users lasted about two hours. The man was sitting in front of the screen wearing sunglasses. Nearby was his wife Christina. The same woman who tried to seize Oscar from the police and who told them that she was the boy’s neighbour.

      “She was confused. How else could she have introduced herself — as his stepmother? We do not call Christina that in this family. She introduced herself as what first came into her head: as a neighbour and then as an acquaintance” Elias answered on the video link.

      “Was Christina charged for resisting the police?”

      “No, she was not charged.”

      “Where’s Oscar’s own mother?” was a question from listeners.

      “She lives with us next door. It happens that we have broken up. She has her own family, we have our own. Oscar lives with me. He communicates with his mother.”

      “Where is Oscar now?”

      “Oscar is with me now. You can hear him.”

      Several times a child’s voice was heard behind the scenes. His father immediately interrupted the broadcast: “Oscar, get out of the room, please, we are having adult conversations.”

      “How does Oscar feel after the incident?”

      “Fine. Outwardly, he does not show any discomfort. But, I think, in his heart he is not restful. The boy is holding on. He was tired. He will get over it.”

      “Are you going to contact a child psychologist?”

      “Yes, we are going to see a psychologist.”

      “Explain again why the child was detained”

      “The police detained him for some reason. I believe that he was detained for his wrongdoing. In a word, for nothing. He was booked for begging. But then the charge which they made crumbled.

      “How do you think the police should have behave during the boy’s arrest when he went into such a tantrum?”

      “City cameras will show how the child at first behaved: he was calm. Also on the cameras we shall see how the guards dealt with the child. All police actions are regulated and will be thoroughly investigated. I consider it necessary to be polite to people. You should not be rude. The problem is not that they took Oscar to a police station: the problem is how he was taken there.”

      “Many people now think that all that happened was a planned provocation.”

      “Yes, there is such an opinion. It upsets me. For the alleged provocations, this pre-planned action, they are accuse a woman journalist who happened to be nearby. My spouse had not met her before. This girl began persecuting her. This is not right. I do not know what kind of normal parent could have raised a child like this.”

      [It is unclear tom me whether these last two sentences are what the journalist allegedly said to the hysterical woman, Oscar’s stepmother — ME]

      “Where were you at the time of the incident?”

      “I was at the studio. I was working. Christina was at the scene of the incident.”

      “Why did your wife scream so much and behave in such an uncalled for fashion?”

      “She did not know where the boy was being taken to. [To a police station, perhaps?
      — ME] Getting a form off a policeman in a police-car is no problem now. She did not understand who these people were [Let me guess! They were wearing police uniforms … — ME] and what they would do to the child.”

      “How do you now live in the land of your birth? Has it become harder for you to breathe easy?”

      “I feel I am in my mother country. Life for me has not become more restricted because of three idiots.”

      “Why do you not take your glasses off? Perhaps you are stoned?”

      “This is not the first time I have been asked that question. We are called drug addicts only by those people who cannot distinguish a person who has not slept for two days from those who rely on drugs. I can take my glasses off, but I have red eyes because of sleepless nights. Burst capillaries.”

      “Were you apologized to by law enforcement officers?”

      “I was apologized to by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

      “And yet your son was asking for money on the Arbat?”

      “I repeat, he was not asking for money. The child is still too young to earn money this way.

      “But he has often been seen on the Arbat reading poetry.”

      “I cannot say how many times, how many days or weeks he has stood on the Arbat and recited poems, I cannot. But reading poetry does not mean that you are begging. Why do you treat this as something extraordinary?”

      “Why did he then tell the police that he had been begging?”

      “Where did you get this information?” He did not say anything like that.

      “Do you think it is normal that a boy reads poetry at that age?”

      “Well, why not? When a boy plays ball on the street, a policeman does not approach him, no notes are made about him. Some children chase a ball around: others read poetry. How do such children differ from one another? In nothing. Only what they do is different.”

      “Has Oscar any special interests?’

      “He goes to an English school. [A school that focuses on English studies — ME] He belongs to a theatrical circle. He goes to rhythmic dancing classes.”

      “What do you do?”

      “I write music. I am active in design.

      “Is it true that you used to live in the Ukraine, that you only recently arrived here, where you rent a flat?”

      “I was on business in the Ukraine. I cannot say that I lived there, but I have come here.”

      “They say that Ivan Urgant wants to invite your son to his programme so that the boy can read his poetry there. Will you go?”

      “I should love to go, but for another reason.”

      “You will also be invited to other talk shows, for sure.”

      “I am not going anywhere. I already regret having given an interview to some of the media.”

      “Are you going to complain to higher authorities?”

      “Why go to higher authorities? You have to start with the lower ones.”

      “But you are now famous?”

      “This is not fame: it is bad publicity.”

      After the end of the broadcast, we also contacted Elias to clarify a few points

      “How did you and Oscar manage the day after the event?”

      “My son and my relative were at home all day. I helped her cook dinner. I ate a lot. He did not go out.”

      “Did you discuss this story with him?”

      “We did not talk about it. We did not even bring it to mind.”

      “But he is probably now unlikely to go off to the Arbat to read poetry?”

      “We did not talk about this, anyway.”

      “And yet, did you know that your son often went to the Arbat and earned money there by reading poetry?”

      “Who told you that?”

      “Everybody is already talking about it. There are eyewitnesses who have seen him on the Arbat.”

      “Well go to those who say this. I cannot be responsible for other peoples’ words. If you are going to talk to me on this topic, then the conversation shall end right away.”

      • Moscow Exile says:

        Should have been italicized to the very end. The above comment may still not make sense as the one previous to it and from which it follows on is still awaiting moderation.

        • Moscow Exile says:

          have arrested a child for reading poetry

          And now, as a reaction to the huge wave of comments on the horror of arresting a child just “for reading poetry”, come analyses of the incident and claims that the whole thing was set up by the those who strive for a “regime change”.

          Apparently, videos posted by kreakles to show the horrors of life in Mordor, cut part of the video that shows that the child was actually begging alone at 19:40.

          Well, not quite alone: his father’s mistress/ the boy’s stepmother, who told the police that she was simply acquainted with the child and then that she was his neighbour, suddenly appeared when the child began his performance and launched into a screaming fit, all along aided and abetted by the (well trained) child screaming out “Help me!” as he was been taken to the patrol car.

          See: Визг либерастов доказывает,что “мальчик с гамлеметом” очереднвая провокация против власти

          The Liberasts’ screech proves that “the boy with Hamlet” is the next in a line of provocations against the authorities

          More of the same here from Colonel Cassad.

          According to the law, minors begging (and receiving money if only to buy an “Oreo” biscuit is begging) are taken to a police station where competent authorities then deal with their parents. [ARTICLE]151 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE. This Is part of the juvenile justice system. And in Europe, which our Liberals and the residents of one of our neighbouring countries so much yearn for, everything is much harder. In Norway or Finland such parents would be deprived of their parental rights, and their child would be immediately taken away to an orphanage. Here, they only get told off in a police station.

      • Moscow Exile says:

        …9-year-old Oscar and could not have dreamt of such glory…

        …And it is strange how the officers say that the boy was begging…

        …Elias Skavronsky, has given selective interviews selectively

        we shall see how the guards officers dealt with the child…

        …they are accusing a woman journalist who happened to be nearby …

        ..[It is unclear to me whether these last two sentences are what the journalist allegedly said to the hysterical woman….

      • marknesop says:

        In some ways, he seems quite genuine, although he obviously has missed the implication of the open bag at the child’s feet – he was clearly accepting loose change for his reading, and whether or not that was childish naivety is open to debate. But somebody like ‘Porky Pete’ Verzilov would have replied far differently to the suggestion that he is now famous; Skavronsky replies that it is not fame, but bad publicity. As we are well aware, no such thing as bad publicity exists for the provocateur.

        The real mystery seems to be the performance of the child’s ‘guardian’, who clearly confused the issue and was unnecessarily violent as if her real purpose was to attract attention. Why would she say she was his neighbour if she is actually his stepmother? That sounds like a seriously fucked-up relationship, with his real mother living next door and Dad shacked up with a neighbour.

        In any case, the mechanics of begging should be beyond dispute, and it should not matter if you are reading Shakespeare aloud or The Cat In The Hat, just like it would not matter if you were playing Beethoven’s Concerto in D Major on the violin, or The Wheels On The Bus. If you’re doing it on the street and have your instrument case open in front of you or another suitable receptacle for collecting money, you are busking and must have a license. The material being played is irrelevant, and the intelligentsia‘s attempt to make a cultural issue out of this is just the kind of small-minded, persnickity peevishness which ensures they will always stand apart from their fellows and never hold power.

      • yalensis says:

        King Claudius: “Where is Oscar now?”
        Queen Gertrude: “Oscar is with me now. You can hear him.”

        Several times a child’s voice was heard behind the scenes. His father immediately interrupted the broadcast: “Oscar, get out of the room, please, we are having adult conversations.”

        Oscar (only his voice is heard, as he delivers his soliloquy from within his bedroom):
        I have of late- but wherefore I know not- lost all my mirth,
        forgone all custom of exercises;
        and indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth,
        seems to me a sterile promontory;
        this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament,
        this majestical roof fretted with golden fire-
        why, it appeareth no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.

        What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties!
        in form and moving how express and admirable!
        in action how like an angel!
        in apprehension how like a god!
        the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!
        And yet to me what is this quintessence of dust?
        Man delights not me- no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.

        • marknesop says:

          Followed by, to wild applause from the intelligentsia,

          When my love swears that she is made of truth
          I do believe her, though I know she lies,
          That she might think me some untutor’d youth,
          Unlearned in the world’s false subtleties.
          Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
          Although she knows my days are past the best,
          Simply I credit her false speaking tongue:
          On both sides thus is simple truth suppress’d.
          But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
          And wherefore say not I that I am old?
          O, love’s best habit is in seeming trust,
          And age in love loves not to have years told:
          Therefore I lie with her and she with me,
          And in our faults by lies we flatter’d be.

          • Jen says:

            At this point, Queen Gertrude gets up, goes to Oscar’s bedroom and drags him out, teddy bear and all, and the two walk across the stage (Oscar whingeing all the while and dragging his favourite toy behind him) to the other side and out accompanied by wild applause from the kreakl audience.

            Shakespeare’s famous stage direction for this scene was:
            “Exit, pursued by a bear”.

            • Jen says:

              The not-so-famous stage direction Shakespeare provided after “Exit, pursued by a bear”:

              “Single gunshot blast offstage”.

        • Moscow Exile says:

          The more I check this story out, the more it seems to me to be a provocation.

          The biggest evidence of this is the way the child howled “Help me!” He may be a head-case (possible), but do kids usually scream to passers-by “help me” when cops are taking them to the police station after having been asked by them why they are begging on the street (and he was begging, kreakl bloggers’ and his father’s denial notwithstanding — further proof of a set-up job) and where their parents are?

          Well kreakl kids apparently do, perhaps because they have been trained that the police are not their friends but agents of the “regime”. However, I am convinced that the child “artist” was play acting so that ….

          (major evidence of a plot) a hysterical woman immediately appears protesting against the police action.

          Who is she?

          On the video she says “an acquaintance” and later “a neighbour”. And she videos everything.

          Later, the child’s father reveals that she is his partner. His ex-wife lives next door. He says he never refers to his partner as Oscar’s stepmother.

          But guess what? Almost as soon as the story broke and the kreakls launch their blog attack, they refer to the woman as the child’s mother or stepmother, yet on the video she does not state that she is either,

          Furthermore, the kreakls posted edited videos that do not show the child’s money bag in front of him at Arbat Square in front of the “Artistic Cinema” and next to the underpass that leads to the Arbat. He was not begging, they say, but reciting Shakespeare and was arrested for that very reason, such is the nature of the “regime”!

          It was a set-up job.

          And the mother was not charged.

          She certainly would have been in the UK. Why don’t you go over there and give it try, kreakls, if you love the “free world” so much? Go over to London and scream and bawl at a cop whilst he trying to make an arrest. Grab hold of him in order to prevent the arrest and see what happens, you cupid stunts.

          Better still, give it a go in New York city and see what happens, though you might well not remember what happened either because of memory loss as a result of being bludgeoned or because your body is lying in a morgue with a hole its head.

          • Moscow Exile says:


            Thought as much:

            И журналистка «Радио Свобода» оказалась на месте этого душераздирающего скандала очень вовремя, будто сидела в кустах и ждала, и сняла-таки свой, возможно самый «звездный» в жизни, репортаж…

            And a Radio Liberty woman journalist turned up at the scene of this heartbreaking scandal right on time, as though she had been sitting in the bushes, waiting, and made what was probably the most star-like report of her life …

            See: Кому Оскара за Шекспировский скандал

      • Cortes says:

        Child ought to be shot for precocious behaviour.

    • marknesop says:

      In this case what the child was doing – reading poetry or Shakespeare, or both – is being used to make the police appear anti-culture and anti-intelligentsia, when it is simply what he was doing in order to create the appearance of exchanging entertainment for money. You can bet that if he were prostituting himself to passers-by for money, it would not have attracted the interests of the artistic community, unless they could have parlayed it into a child’s desperate situation in ‘Putin’s Russia’ where this became necessary to eke out a living.

      There should be a once-a-year kreakle day in Russia, in which the government pays the airfare of a thousand who feel themselves wasted in ‘Putin’s Russia’, and can’t stand living there another minute, to any capital in Europe, one-way. They would then have to support themselves and start over in their new Utopia, but could not return to Russia except on a tourist visa, with the customary stipulation that they leave again within 30 days.

    • Lyttenburgh says:

      New 1937! Repressions! GULag! Totalitarism!

      Just look at other instances when the Bloody Regime did arrest poor innocent kiddies:

      Oh, wait…. That’s the beacon of Freedom, the Fortress of Liberty – USA! It’s okay then.

      By the way – the crime of the kid on the last page was “farting too loud in class”. Suart’s Spectrum Jr./Sr. High School, Florida, 2011. Google it!

      P.S. As for Lucya Stein:

      “With great interest I’m noticing that the surname and ethnicity of Lucya Stein is a legitimate reason to side with Moscow’s police”.

      • Moscow Exile says:

        Arrested for farting too loudly in class?

        That bloody well stinks!

      • marknesop says:

        Here’s an enlightening glimpse of the Texas police in action, breaking up a dangerous pool party in the summer of 2015. Check out the cop waving his gun around and swearing at everyone that they are making him ‘run around carrying 30 pounds of fucking gear in this heat’, and try to be patient and hang on until he throws the black girl down on the ground and puts his weight on her.

        It is worth mentioning, in the officer’s defense, that he had already responded to two suicide calls that day – one of which resulted in a fatality – and was under considerable emotional stress. He subsequently left the police force; some say he was fired, other sources say he resigned for the sake of his family’s safety, since he had received several death threats and was experiencing significant political pressure to leave.

      • yalensis says:

        That “Lampshade Cafe” — is that not a franchise of the same one in Brighton Beach, New York? Owned, if I am not mistaken, by Lev Natanovich Sharansky!

  34. Cortes says:

    Fans of hokey fictional representations of Russians should queue up to buy John Sandford’s “Hidden Prey,” tongue firmly in cheek account of the attempted reactivation of a sleeper exfiltration cell in Hibbing, Minnesota, by nefarious oligarchs. Bingo possibilities abound: Horny Russian woman agent? check; psychotic ex kulak killer patriarch with a quirky sense of humour? check; assorted inadeqacies of the members of the sleeper cell? you betcha!

    Great fun! You can tell his heart isn’t in it. 9/10.

  35. davidt says:

    Some good news- the MC-21 airliner has completed its first test flight.

    • et Al says:

      Unannounced first flight. Ignore the bs, but…

      Neuters: Russia squares up to Boeing, Airbus with maiden jet flight

      …In a surprise statement, manufacturer Irkut Corporation (IRKT.MM) and its state-controlled parent company United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) (UNAC.MM) said an MS-21-300 model had successfully completed a 30-minute flight at a height of 1,000 meters and traveling at 300 km an hour. …

      …blah blah blah blah…

      …Flag carrier Aeroflot (AFLT.MM) last year earned its fourth star from independent ratings website Skytrax, ranking it alongside major European and Middle Eastern competitors and ahead of big U.S. carriers such as Delta and United…

      • et Al says:

        Press Release & pictures:

        There’s an interesting bit on Aviadvigatel’s website about why the PD-14 engine has a lower 8.5:1 bypass ratio than the competing CFM Leap 1A 10:1 & P&W 1400G 12:1:

        High enough fan design pressure ratio (due to somewhat lower bypass ratio) eliminates the need in the variable fun duct nozzle which inevitably increases engine weight and drag, and reduces installation thrust losses.

        It also uses a ceramic coating for the hot section, which is something GE has recently introduced. I also read somewhere else (that I cannot of course find now) that the rather fiddly fuel nozzles will be 3D printed too and used in the LEAP engine, so one piece instead of 20 odd pieces and apparently five times more durable. The PD-14 engines will also have electrically operated thrust reverses, so some weight saved, maintenance time and cost from not using hydraulics.

        The PD-14 core will apparently be used for the proposed & somewhat larger PD-18R geared fan version too.

  36. Cortes says:

    A piece by Patrick Armstrong which parallels Mark’s original article:

    Good comments also.

    • marknesop says:

      That is good, isn’t it? Even when Patrick’s pieces more or less echo other sources – unsurprising when the same questions are being asked by so many people – he always has some surprising little detail in there which was right under your nose, but you didn’t see it until he pointed it out. For me, it was the reminder that American satellite photography of Russian targets in Syria is consistently razor-sharp and evidence quality. But their stuff from inside Ukraine usually is grainy and looks like it was made with Commodore-64 technology. Obviously they are capable of much better, and if the weather is shitty they just divert another satellite and make another pass. So why is their resolution so abysmal? I think we know.

      • Jen says:

        Maybe the Americans deploy older and newer satellites in ways that reflect the value of the areas under surveillance to them. For example, they use the old satellites that are held together with string, BandAid and duct tape to whiz over Ukraine because the value of Ukraine without Crimea is close to zero. Russian targets in Syria on the other hand are more important if only to avoid.

        • marknesop says:

          The USA tends to phase out its older satellites as new ones come on line rather than continuing to fly them around, and satellites have a limited lifespan anyway. Their operators deliberately decay their orbits until they burn up in the atmosphere, or park them in a ‘graveyard orbit’ 200 miles out from earth.

          The USA supposedly had a very capable satellite over Ukraine that day, but we were handed a lot of malarkey about cloud cover and it hadn’t really seen much of anything they could show us, although of course they had heaps of evidence that proved Russia did it. Additionally, there is a burgeoning market in commercial satellites, often funded by the US government and which have resolution capabilities approaching those of military reconnaissance satellites.

  37. J.T. says:

    Russia: The Story of War is released to deafening praise – and by that I mean one 5-star review on Amazon (boldface is my own):

    I am a former student of Greg Carleton, and I read this book in manuscript. I work in Russia studies, and read a lot of books and articles about Russia. This book will form your understanding of Russian civilization for years to come.
    Carleton’s work is objective and sober, but nevertheless compelling to read. He doesn’t write as one of those *other* scholars who wrap themselves in the banner of “objectivity” as a way to cloak Putin apologism. Rather, Carleton takes a wide range of important Russian cultural artifacts (literature, films, television shows, and official government histories) from the civilization’s military mythology and shows the reader how Russians have come to view themselves and their mission as a people.
    Carleton’s research goes well beyond what you typically see in Western headlines and sheds critical light on the official, government-driven revisionism of Russian military history. At the same time, he is unflinching in his telling of the horror and tragedy which history has visited upon the people.
    This is a superb, critical read for both expert and amateur alike.

    As a review blogger and regular Goodreads user, I can [unfortunately] say that this is becoming the new normal among positive layman reviews of Russia books. A book’s quality is directly related to how much it pushes back against the ‘Putin apologists’ (though in my experience, genuine ‘Putin apologists’ are not at all commonplace).

    • PaulR says:

      Thanks for pointing out this book – sounds like one I should read at some point.

    • Drutten says:

      A so-called “Putin apologist” typically refers to a Russophone writer with extensive on-site experience and/or a wide variety of contacts in Russia and who thus has the prerequisites (and audacity!) to tell it like it is, i.e. Putin is not Lucifer incarnate, the Russian government is not some kind of evil fascistoid sect that gathers at midnight at a long, black table, hell bent on destroying “the West”, and Russia is not a god forsaken, hopelessly backwards and oppressed society where people are dying in droves.

      The climate has become so toxic that even otherwise knowledgeable and reasonably objective people intersperse their work with some flavor of the above in order to even get published in the first place. If it’s too “apologetic” so to speak, it doesn’t make it past the editor(s).

      It’s frightening.

      • Drutten says:

        Come to think about it, the only people I have ever come across who can rightfully be classified as “apologists” (e.g. people who will do the damnedest to rationalize away bad decisions and otherwise stupid/silly things [and they do occur, obviously, as in any other government/society/country]) are a few “pro-Russian” (in lack of a better term) Twitter handles (and occasional writers elsewhere) with a highly niched target audience, so in a broader perspective they’re largely irrelevant anyway as nobody outside of those circles ever bother with their output.

        There are far more on the “opposite” side that do engage in that boneheaded apologetic behavior and who on the other hand are being listened to far and wide, e.g. in the MSM.

      • J.T. says:

        And people with barely any exposure are lauded as “leading Russia experts”, purely because of their willingness to demonize the country, it seems.

        • marknesop says:

          Basically, he is a descendant of Russian Jewish immigrants to the USA from Lithuania, whose ‘expertise’ in Russian affairs and events stems from his study of Russian history and literature at the University of California at Berkley.

      • Lyttenburgh says:

        “Putin is not Lucifer incarnate”

        Indeed. The new incarnation of Lucifer is sub-par:

        ^Played by a Brit. ’cause everything evil is much sexier with British accent

        As opposed to the original:

        • marknesop says:

          Coincidentally, the current ‘Uncle Volodya’ quote is actually sourced from Anton Szandor LaVey, who is the founder of the Church of Satan and of LaVeyan Satanism.

    • Moscow Exile says:

      [He] shows the reader how Russians have come to view themselves and their mission as a people….

      You know, try as I might, I have never come across a Russian who considers that he and his fellow countrymen have some kind of world mission to fulfill.

      I must mix with the wrong type of Russians.

      • Drutten says:

        That paragraph gives it all away a wee bit, doesn’t it? Russians make up some kind of malevolent hive mind, and “Russia” is all about mythology and *sneer* “‘official‘ government history.”

        The stuff just reeks of, you know, the usual.

  38. et Al says:

    Google News UK Highly Cited

    Toilet Barf: Salman Abedi ‘wanted revenge’ for US air strikes in Syria, Manchester bomber’s sister says

    The sister of Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi believes her brother carried out the manchester attack because he wanted revenge for US air strikes on Syria…

    …“I think he saw children – Muslim children – dying everywhere, and wanted revenge,” she told the Wall Street Journal…

    First we had UK Dickfence Minister Michael ‘Fallacious’ Fallon claiming that the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, had said that the Manchester terror attack was the UK’s ‘fault’*
    only to be told by the interviewer Robert Peston (and later others) that it is precisely not what Corbyn had said. Now we have a red bullshit and spittle Tory rag (‘highly cited’ by Google no less) publishing a piece that supports the view that Western foreign policy has produced direct blowback. Even if it was from the suicide bomber’s sister and her view is immaterial, it is still highly damaging to the traditional Tory reputation as being strong and competent on defense and doesn’t take anything away from Corbyn. Yet another unenforced error…


  39. kirill says:

    If people want evidence of anti-Russian bigotry then, the above case is a fine example. So the prizewinner was denied his prize because “Russia is, like, the most corrupt country ever”. Wow. Western fucks have no decency and moral standards. They get off on racism and hate.

  40. Drutten says:

    Crimean bridge from space, May 25th:

  41. Warren says:

    Published on 28 May 2017
    France’s new president Emmanuel Macron will meet Russia’s leader for the first time on Monday.

    It could be an awkward conversation; during the election campaign, Vladimir Putin played host to Macron’s rival -the far-right Marine Le Pen.

    And Macron has called for sanctions on Russia not to be lifted.

    Al Jazeera’s David Chater reports from Paris.

    • marknesop says:

      I honestly don’t know why he’s bothering. Unless he’s like Sarko The Magnificent, and imagines himself brokering a grand bargain which will put international relations on a new footing. I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen.

  42. marknesop says:

    Mutti Merkel ups the ante, in response to Trump’s assertion that German practices are “bad, very bad”.

    “The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I’ve experienced that in the last few days…We Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands.”

    But it’s important to remember that Russia is friendless and isolated, and the sanctions are working.

    Expect frantic efforts to remove Trump to intensify

  43. marknesop says:

    Oh, hey; for anyone who still believes that guff about Ukrainians coming together to sing ‘kumbaya’ and there being national unity under the firm leadership of Kiev, despite all evidence to the contrary, there’s this.

    There has been an exodus of some 1.6 million Ukrainians through 2016, to Poland, and 6000 have sought asylum in Poland since 2014. That’s not a lot, but these are not refugees fleeing the violence in the east. These are western Ukrainians who can make 5 times as much money in Poland doing the same jobs they were doing in Ukraine, thanks to the crushing of its currency since the glorious Maidan.

    Nice nation-building project, Washington.

    • Moscow Exile says:

      From Darlington, Co.Durham. I wonder if they’re related to the Halifax, Yorkshire, Yukie clans, one of whose progeny being Canadian Ukrainian academic expert Taras Kuntknows?

      • Pavlo Svolochenko says:


        Hitler’s revenge was to lumber the Anglosphere with his most worthless servants.

  44. Well, I quite agree with your analysis in many places. As a frequent visitor to the Federation, I am quite curious as to what circles you imagine I move in there! Perhaps we should compare notes some time? — oh, and if you do insist on addressing me using a title instead of as “leon”, it really ought be Dr. Derczynski, and not Mr. . Thank you.

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